Pay Your Respects: New GW Rumor Engine Spotted

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A new GW rumor engine is up and things are looking a little spooky. Check out the new bit and tell us what you think it could be going to.

Warhammer Community revealed a new rumor engine bit and after taking a long look, we’re not sure if it’s going to be for 40k or AoS. So without any more delay, here’s the bit:

Pay Your Respects: New GW Rumor Engine

rumor engine 7-23-19

Looking at the bit, the first thing we can all see is something that looks like a tombstone. Somebody obviously keeps coming back to it too…thanks to all the lit candles. But the best clue for this bit probably comes from the etchings on the stone. It looks like rays of light hitting a Pyramid with three ancient glyphs carved in. There is obviously more carvings to piece of stone. However, it got cut short. (probably because it would’ve given away the bit entirely).

However, looking at what we CAN see below the “pyramid”, it looks almost like two people in a struggle. It’s hard to tell if those are heads with eyes for sure, but that’s our guess at least.

tomb kings titan

The Pyramid might be a clue to Tomb Kings getting support. We saw rumors involving a Tomb Kings character hit the web a while back and we still have yet to see any real source confirm or deny them.

Now that you’ve taken a good long look at the latest bit, what do you think this could be a part of? Is it for AoS or 40k? Can you see this having something to do with Tomb Kings? Or could this be something like a Random Necromancer character on the way? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter each morning as well!