20 Top AoS Factions: Popular or Just Tricky to Play?

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Don’t miss the top 20 Age of Sigmar factions according to AoS Reminders App. Are these super popular or just tricky to play?

AoS Reminders is an app you might want to give an honest try. It’s loaded with all of the information from the factions inside of Age of Sigmar. When you plug in your faction’s units, each ability is divided up among each phase to make sure you don’t forget or skip over anything. With that said, we’ve got a look into the most popular factions that are used in-app.

Is this a picture at the most popular factions of AoS? Or are they the trickiest?

Which Factions Are The Most Popular?

lizardmen seraphon crater gators

Looking at the most popular factions plugged in on the app, they are:

  • Seraphon11.53%
  • Sylvaneth9.94%
  • Gloomspite Gitz8.34%
  • Khorne8.18%
  • Nighthaunt-8.02%
  • Flesheater Courts-7.08%
  • Tzeentch-6.91%
  • Skaven6.87%
  • Ironjawz-6.67%
  • Stormcast Eternals-5.32%
  • Idoneth Deepkin4.50%
  • Legions of Nagash-4.50%
  • Kharadron Overlords-3.07%
  • Dispossessed-2.70%
  • Nurgle-1.60%
  • Slaanesh-1.23%
  • Fyreslayers-1.15%
  • Daughters of Khaine-0.25%

Note: Nurgle, Slaanesh, and Daughters of Khaine were added a while after the apps’ initial release so numbers might be lower.

With one of the oldest factions leading the top of the list, we’re not sure if they’re the most popular faction or if they’ve just got so many spells and abilities that players need reminders! Sylvaneth and Gloomspite Gitz are close behind the Seraphon with Stormcast Eternals in the middle. It’s a bit surprising to see Stormcast on the lower end of the spectrum since they have without a doubt the largest unit selection to choose from.

Most Popular Allies

gloomspite gitz age of sigmar how to play

As for the allies of factions:

Gloomspite Gitz-0.57%
Legions of Nagash-0.25%

The three most-used factions for allies are the Gitz, Nagash, and Skaven. Which is a bit surprising considering that there are tons of good ORDER factions to ally up. One being Deepkin and Sylvaneth.

What do you think about these statistics? Do you think this is a good picture of what most people are playing in AoS these days? Which units do you think people are taking as allies out of those three factions?

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