Emperor’s SWAT Team: Imperial Guard LVO Army Showcase

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This Imperial Guard army was spotted at the Las Vegas Open. Check out all of its converted pieces across almost every single unit!

The 2019 LVO brought players from all around the globe under one roof to roll dice. With so many hobbyists in one spot, we saw some pretty amazing armies. Check out this Imperial Guard list that was just one of the head-turning forces from the event.

LVO 2019

We move fast taking pictures when we’re guests at tournaments helping to cover the event for them. If this is your army and you would like the full-size images or credit added to the article, just email us:

The Emperor’s SWAT Team

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Starting off, this army is decked-out with a crisp tan paint job making the entire force look like it’s been out in the harsh elements for a while. On top of that. air superiority was almost guaranteed with these five whole airborne units making the cut for the list!

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Moving onto the armor column, Leman Russes were fielded with battle cannons, las cannons, and plasma. But beyond that, check out the hobby detail that went into each model. From paint chipping to barrel heat, these units looked great seeded into the rest of the Guardsmen force.

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Speaking of Guardsmen, these guys were each given a riot shield and small blaster to help break the enemy’s assault. But even these T3 models were loaded up on painting detail!

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To keep watch of everything going on in the battlefield, this officer took to the ramparts on a Knight. Surverying the area, he was able to get a near bird’s-eye view. (But seriously this model is sweet).

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Lastly, these two characters were carrying a literal chainsaw and power sword (that was getting fresh blood wiped off) and we thought they were too cool to pass up.

What do you think about this army’s paint detail? Do you like the armor chipping on each model? Will you be trying to convert a Knight like the one above? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter (with discount coupon codes) each morning as well!