3 Space Marine 40k Army Lists Dominate Northwest Open GT

space marine wal hor tourney

Has the Space Marine meta begun? From Chaos to loyalists check out the top three Astartes lists that dominated the Northwest Open GT.

The Northwest Open GT was an event held over the weekend and of all the players attending, Astartes (Chaos and Loyalist) factions all placed within the top brackets. This is one of the first tourneys we’ve seen after all the new Space Marine changes so check out what they brought. Thanks to Best Coast Pairings, we can look back at these events as if we were there ourselves.

3rd Place: Ultramarines Successor- Niels Scheer

Space Marine walpaper


astartes ultra

Niels broke two records. He brought a brigade of Primaris which hasn’t really ever been seen and even placed in the top three using custom successor Chapter rules! Bringing a custom Chapter sacrifices any named characters. However, you can cherrypick your own Chapter rules which are always nice. This Chapter got to reroll a hit and wound roll for each unit for free as well as having the benefit of being in cover 12″ away.

The basic character package covering all the bases was brought. A Chapter Master and lieutenant for rerolls. While a Librarian had some play in the psychic phase. Bare-bones Scouts were brought mixed in with some Intercessors while two Warsuists infiltrated up the field before the game even started. Creating space for the rest of the force, this guy brought Inceptors for quick heavy-bolter profile precision striking and Suppressor Squads for cheap autocannon platforms. They can make it so an enemy unit can’t overwatch but the list as a whole isn’t very melee oriented. They do make great high-quality dakka platforms for cheap though!

Finally, a T-fire canon was brought because its stratagem support is too good to pass up while the Eliminators picked off characters and anything that was stupid enough to step out into the open. As for added anti-tank support, a Repulsor Executioner hung back and made armor its priority target. Awesome list bringing almost everything Primaris have to offer!

2nd Place: Ultramarines Successor- Sebastian Mueller

primaris book cover hor space marine wal


ultras successor

Bringing in more cherrypicked rules for a successor Chapter, Sebastian brought a Battalion using +3″ range guns and a free reroll of a hit/wound on each unit.

This player went ALL IN on Primaris troops bringing three fatty squads of ten Intercessors and Infiltrators. While the two Infiltrators could start their games halfway up the board, they were also supported by three flamer Warsuits (talk about aggro). For cheap high-quality firepower, three Suppressors were taken and hung back plinking wounds off of armor and one-shotting elites.

Finally, two Eliminators were brought to help snipe out characters while a Devastator Squad loaded up into a Drop Pod and hit enemy armor with the Grav-bomb strat on turn one. Awesome job!

1st Place: Chaos Space Marines- Dino Kho

new chaos wal hor marines obilterators abaddon


astartes chaos

This one is nothing we hadn’t seen before, but that fact that it rose above what may be a new Space Marine meta is worth noting.

Dino’s army went all-in on Elites and high-quality firepower. Taking a Supreme Command detachment, this player loaded up on the classic Lord Disco package. Next, an Airwing detachment of flamer Heldrakes were brought to keep pace with the Lord Disco’s speed (and lockdown pesky non-fly shooters). And finally, a Spearhead was brought using three Deredeos with butcher cannons to wreck any elites out in the open. Two Contemptors were also loaded down with two butcher cannons a pop for even more firepower. Overall, the Lord Discos and Heldrakes added enough pressure where the enemy didn’t have time to deal with the long-range fire support.

Great job! Especially only running off of a handful of CP.

What are your thoughts on Space Marines these days? Does Chaos still reign supreme? Which successor Chapter rules do you use?

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