Thunderfire Cannons Are The Meta’s C-C-Combo Breaker

By Wesley Floyd | October 3rd, 2019 | Categories: Space Marines, Tactics, Warhammer 40k News

thudnerfre cannon space marines tactics rules warhammer 40k

Thunderfire Cannons are the toolbox unit for Space Marines right now. With two stratagems keeping this thing going, here are some of it’s best uses.

Thunderfire Cannons have two main stratagems that are insanely useful against the big meta-units. Some factions are more prone to this thing than others, but for under 100 pts, you might always want to try and find a spot for this thing in your list.

The Stratagems To Beat the Meta

We’ve covered in detail the way these Stratagems work as well as the ins-and-outs of the unit in an earlier post. But looking at where the meta is going, it might be a good idea to see the real strengths of this unit really are. Pairing it against certain unit options, of course.

tremor shells


suppression fire

For 3Cp in total, you can shoot twice and have the chance to halve the movement of enemy units. 3CP in an all-Space Marine army is no small tax. However, using this turn one may secure a win, just because you slowed the opponent down so much.



For Space Wolves players, Wulfen have grown increasingly popular. The units are tanky, fast, and can deal ALL of the damage in melee. However, their major weakness is speed. A full unit may be able to absorb a ton of firepower but if you halve their movement, you can at least buy yourself time to devote firepower to other parts of the enemy’s list. They’re only a threat if they ever make the charge and you shouldn’t have to worry about it if you keep juggling them with the Thunderfire each turn.


Most Aeldari lists have Flying units that can skirt around the effectiveness of the Thunderfire. However, one unit that’s on the same playing field as the Wulfen is the Grotesque. These things are deceptively tanky and can mulch opponents in melee. Just keep focus-firing the Grotesques each turn until you drop the Ravagers/Taloses.


Imperial Guard Catachan Wal Hor

Obviously against screens with low toughness the T-Fire excels at just erasing. Enemy generals really have to think hard about placement, and how to score objectives when this cannon is on the board.

Tank Commanders

tallaran black library new novel leman russ tank

Tank Commanders are one of the most popular unit options out there. They have an incredible BS for the points and the only thing they really lack is an invulnerable save. However, if you sling some shells at a tank to half its movement, your opponent might as well just stay still if it wants to shoot twice. This could reduce its effectiveness, and firing lanes.

Things To Watch Out For

thunderfire cannon

The Thunderfire Cannon does get countered by some units that are still heavily popular. For example, the halve-movement strat doesn’t work on Titanic or fly units. So if you end up facing a list full of Knights, you might as well save your CP and use it to clear screens etc.

Another thing to remember is that if you’re playing GSC, they’ll probably have all of their wrecking ball units already in deepstrike. If they pop up 9″ away (or sometimes 3″ away) you won’t have any real use for the cannon either. In this instance, you might as well try to pick apart the low-toughness Neophytes in the back holding objectives.

All in all, for under 100 pts you really can’t beat the toolbox value that comes with a Thunderfire Cannon. What do you think about this unit in 40k? Do you run one in your list just for the stratagems?

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