GW Confirms Sisters of Battle Army Set Contents With New Preview

sisters of battle army box


If you’re dying to know what may be coming in the new Sisters of Battle 40k army box for this holiday season, you’ll definitely want to see this! The contents are here!

Warhammer Community revealed the full contents of the Sisters of Battle Army set that’s just around the corner.  We know that an army codex, as well as 25 miniatures, will be found inside, and now we know what the rest of the contents will be!

In case you missed the first look inside what was coming, the sprues make their rounds across the web over the weekend for the Army Set.

Earlier Sisters of Battle Army Box Contents Spotted

Images exploded all over the internet of shots from the inside of the box, presumably from the Asian market sales channel:

sisters of battle army box


sisters of battle army box

You can almost make out something under the Seraphim on the right that looks to be Arco Flagellants, and now we have the full preview.

sisters of battle army boxPreviewed Cannoness from the NoVA Open

sisters of battle army boxThe sprue on the top right ended up showing Arco Flagellants, along with Repentias in the bottom left, as well as Seraphim abound.

Sisters of Battle Army Set Contents Revealed

sisters of battle army setAfter taking multiple educated guesses and spotting clues around the web, we’ve finally got the official contents revealed being:

  • 1x Canoness
  • 10x Battle Sisters
  • 5x Seraphim
  • 1x Repentia Superior
  • 4x Repentia
  • 3x Arco Flagellants
  • 1x Penitent Engine

sisters codex

  • Exclusive Edition of Codex: Adepta Sororitas
  • 1x Warhammer 40,000 Core Rules booklet
  • 1x Adepta Sororitas Transfer Sheet
  • Adepta Sororitas Datacards
  • 12x Dice

Arco Flagellants Get Surprise New Models!

arco flagellant

To be sentenced to arco-flagellation is to become little more than a weaponised, utterly berserk killer. Over the course of a long, painful process, the convict’s mind is wiped, replaced only with an uncontrollable urge to mete out violent destruction upon their prey.

arco flagellant 1Arco Flagellants are nothing new. They have always been exception melee glass cannons. However, their biggest weakness in-game was a lack of mobility and survivability. If they could manage to make it into combat, they would devastate other Infantry units. However, seeing as 40k is as shooty it’s ever been, we may just see these guys get gunned down on the table before they can do any damage. Hopefully, there’s a Stratagem somewhere in the codex that lets these guys deepstrike.

What’s even cooler is that there are plenty of other Sisters models coming as this is the Vanguard expansion into the faction. We’ll be able to get our hands on this set sometime next month!

What’s more, you won’t even have long to wait before you can pre-order this amazing boxed set – it’s out next month!

With the full contents of the Army Set revealed, will you be grabbing a few to get you started? What do you think the all-star unit of the codex will be? Have you already picked your Sororitas sub-faction?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter (with discount coupon codes) each morning as well!