New Dark Eldar Psychic Awakening Obsession Rules REVEALED

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Check out the new Warhammer 40k rules for Obsessions on the Dark Eldar side of Psychic Awakening’s Phoenix Rising!

We’ve gathered all the info on the new Dark Eldar rules from the Psychic awakening book. We’ve got you covered on all the Dark Eldar Obsessions!

Phoenix Rising normPlease excuse any syntax or grammatical errors, as this is a summation of the rules and not direct copy verbatim from the book.

If your Dark Eldar Force (Kabal, Coven or Cult) is eligible for obsessions but does not have any associated with it from the Dark Eldar Codex, you may (unless otherwise stated) select two from the appropriate lists below:

Kabal Obsessions

dark eldar obsessions 2Dark Mirth: Subtract 1 from the leadership of any enemies within 6 of any units with this obsession. The first time an enemy fails a morale test in the battle add one to the leadership characteristic of friendly models until the end of the battle

Deadly Deceivers: Units with this obsession can charge the turn they fell back. When an enemy finishes a charge within one inch of a unit with this obsession roll a d6 on a 6 they take 1 mortal wound.

Disdain for Lesser Beings: No more than one model with this obsession can flee from a moral test

Meticulous Flayers: Units with this obsession always have the power from pain ability benefit from the eager to flay bonus, even during the first battle round. When resolving an attack from a model with a melee weapon with this obsession against a vehicle that not a vehicle or titanic an unmodified hit roll of 6 will automatically hit and wound.

Soul Bound: When a new near dissuffering role is made for a model with this obsession reroll a roll of 1.

DE obsessions 1

Webway Raiders: The Webway portal ability can be used one additional time per battle for each detachment excluding auxiliary support detachments.

Wych Cult Obsessions

dark eldar obsessions 4The Art of Pain: While units with this obsession have the power from pain ability are within 1 inch of any enemy units they treat the current battle round as being one higher

Berserk Fugue: When resolving an attack with a melee weapon, with a model that charged, was charged, or performed a heroic intervention an unmodified roll or 6 to hit scores an additional hit. You cannot take this and Precise Killers together.

Precise Killers: When resolving an attack with a melee weapon an unmodified roll or 6 increases the AP of the weapon by 1. You cannot take this and Berserk Fugue together.

Slashing Impact: After a model with this obsession finishes a charge move, you can select one infantry, biker, or monster unit within one inch and roll a d6 on a 5+ they take a mortal wound.

Stimulant Innovators: When the hyper stem backlash stratagem is used on a unit with this obsession, it only costs 1 CP instead of 2.
dark eldar obsessions 3

Trophy Takers: When your opponent takes a moral test for a unit where any models were destroyed as a result of an attack made with a melee weapon they must roll 2d6 and discard the lowest.

Haemonculus Coven Obsessions

dark eldar obsessiosn 5

Artists of Flesh: If you select this obsession, you cannot select a second. When resolving an attack against a unit with this obsession subtract 1 from the damage characteristic.

Dark Technomancers: When firing overwatch you can choose to enhance any of their ranged weapons, add 1 to wound and 1 to damage if any unmodified wound rolls of 1 are made the model suffers one mortal wound after finishing firing that weapon.

dark eldar obsessions 6Hungry for Flesh: When a charge roll is made for a unit with this obsession add one to the result.

Masters of Mutagens: When resolving an attack made with a poison weapon against a model that is not a vehicle or titanic, an unmodified roll of 6 automatically hits and wounds

Master Torturers: When the Torturer’s Crash stratagem is used it costs 1 CP instead of 2

Obsessive Collectors: When an enemy model is destroyed as a result of melee weapon from a unit in your army with this obsession, you can select one model from that unit to regain d3 lost wounds, if the unit is a rack you can instead return d3 destroyed models.

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What do you think about this rules wave? Are Dark Eldar going to be competitive? Do you think they have a shot at being the best 40k army in the meta?

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