New Limited Warhammer & Black Library Holiday Release Previews

Warhammer Santa Christmas Wal Hor Age of Sigmar bundlesDon’t miss the latest news and rumors on all the exclusives for Games Workshop and Black Library, just in time for the holidays.

Warhammer Community unveiled some of the products you’ll be able to grab for the holiday season coming exclusively from Black Library. Let us know if you’ll be adding any of these to your hobby caves.

These BL products will be up for Pre-order on November 2, 2019.

2019 Advent Calendar

black library advent calendar

The Black Library Advent Calendar 2019 is a sumptuous treat for the senses* and gives you 25 stunning A3 art prints. There’s one to open each day in the buildup to Christmas, with an extra-special one for Christmas Day.** 12 of the prints feature glorious cover art from Black Library novels. The other 12 also feature fantastic art, with a twist – they’ve been turned into posters.  

black library advent calendar 2

Found exclusively in the calendar, some of the artwork is going to be themed after cinematic posters. That’s pretty sick! While pre-orders open up in the next two weeks, there are only 1,364 of these that’ll be handed out so make sure you know ahead of time if you want one.

These will also be available at the Black Library Weekender Event along with other goodies.

Bamboo Horus Heresy Reusable Cup

horus heresy cup

The Horus Heresy reusable cup is made from bamboo and Traitor tears. Perfect material for keeping your drinks warm and sippable!

Entire Novella Series 2

black library novella series 2

Coming in one massive ten-book bundle for paperback and e-book, you’ll be able to get your fill of 40k and AoS-themed stories!

Each of these is a full-scale action story packed into something you can read quickly, and they cover a wide range of heroes from across Warhammer 40,000, Warhammer Age of Sigmar and Necromunda.

Holiday Season Warhammer Battleforce Rumors

santa kharn

If you missed the latest word on Battleforces just in time for the holidays, these rumors were spotted first on a French forum called Warhammer Forum- Battleforce Noel, a user named Endloril had this to say: (Keep in mind this has been translated from French to English already).

For this Christmas period we will be entitled to the following Battleforce :

There will be 10 different Battelforce at 145 euros / piece

4 for AOS :

Nighthaunt, Skavens, Stormcast, Goblins
6 for 40k :

T’au, Drukhari, Space Wolves, Blood Angels, Chaos, Tyranids

In addition, we should see happen :

A box with 5 painting handles
A box with a handle under layer for under bed 50 figurines

Breaking this down, it looks like AoS is getting some nice treatment with particular love to Gobbos, Skaven, and Nighthaunt. These are some of the newer factions that could use some fluffing up. As for Stormcast, it’s AoS’s posterchild so there’s no real surprise that they’d be getting a Box Set.

Moving to 40k, it looks like GW is giving particular attention to some of the factions that could use an update in 8th edition. All of these factions (especially BA an SW in the wake of all the Marine support) are lacking in terms of fresh rules. Could GW be hyping these factions up soon because they’re next in line to get a rules refresh?

And finally, with the rumors of painting bundles or (handles), a box that also held miniatures underneath was specifically mentioned. Last year, we saw these large suitcases with special holders to keep hobby tools and paint pots secure. However, this year’s appeal may be more on a hobby-go case keeping your paints and minis all in one package.

Even More Light Shed on These Rumors

dark aposotle chaos marine hor wal

While the first batch of rumors is already hefty enough, another source chimed in and had this to say. Coming from Chapter Master Valrak on Bolter & Chainsword

Also for some more info, my source said:

CSM Boxset including havocs and a transport (can’t say if it’s a rhino or land raider)

 Start collecting Primaris marines and the new start collecting Chaos Marines

When it comes to the Xenos ones he stated:

Dark Eldar and either Tau or Necrons

For the larger Box Sets, Valrak mentioned there possibly being some kind of transport (probable Land Raider or Rhino). And in light of the Xenos Box Sets, two of the three factions were mentioned above. Necrons are a change here. Plus, it looks like there’s been a fresh mention of a Start Collecting: Primaris Marines and Chaos Marines, which we both know is severely overdue.

start collecting space marines

Looking at GW’s website for Start Collectings, Chaos doesn’t have a listing under a generic Chaos Space Marine start collecting. Could it be because they are getting ready to drop a new bundle soon?

With all of this covered, will you be picking up some Black Library swag and looking for a new expansion of battleforces to pair them up with?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter (with discount coupon codes) each morning as well!