Orc Forge Lord Unbox & Build Creature Caster

Orc Forge Lord Unbox & Build Creature Caster OrktoberWaaagh! Creature Caster’s first Ork model is here! Check out this unbox & build of the Forge Lord as we compare it to Guilliman!

Creature Caster is throwing us a curveball for Orktober!  They are known for their intense demon models. However, they’ve changed it up with an equally impressive Ork Model! Don’t expect them to let us down after their reputation they’ve earned. Let’s see how their first Ork turned out with Rob!

Orc Forge Lord $42.00

Orc Forge Lord

Rob gives us a quick first look at this bad boy and wow, he looks insane! Definitely a perfect model for any Warboss. Unlike, a lot of other Ork alternative models, this one has a little bit more a futuristic-xenos vibe going on.

Orc vs robby g

From his base to the top of the smoke, he stands at about 4 inches, making him just about Primarch sized!

Orc Forge Lord back

Another important note is although this model isn’t as over the top as some of the other Creature Caster models, it certainly is practical. This is a great miniature that you can paint up in a decent amount of time and get playing with right away!

Orc Forge Lord Unbox & Build Creature Caster Orktober

Model provided for promotion and review