The Swarmlord Commands: Atomic Empire Tyranid Showcase

atomic empire tyranid walTyranids only pull out the Swarmlord when they need a victory the most. Take a look at this awesome bug army spotted at Warzone: Atomic Empire.

Warzone: Atomic Empire was a qualifier event for Warzone: Atlanta later in the year. With people fighting for a slot, there were some awesomely painted competitive lists! Get a healthy dose of all the biomass in this list!

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The Swarmlord Commands: Atomic Empire Tyranid Showcase

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Looking at this display board, it’s covered in Tyranid-like terrain. Spores sprouting from the ground polluting the air and preparing the biomass for digestion is just the first part of the Xenos invasion!

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Moving into the individual models of the army, this player brought out the big scary targets over a swarm-style. A Hive Tyrant with two devourers is capable of pumping out a ridiculous amount of shots, but this guy was looking great as he did it.

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Even old One-Eye made a guest appearance being the epitome of a distraction Carnifex. This behemoth is, in every sense of the word, a living wrecking ball. And just look at the faded highlights on his carapace.

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To back up Old One-Eye even more melee-fexes were taken to try and make their way to the enemy ground army. A few seconds in the ring with one of these guys and it’s over.

atomic empire tyranid 5Of course, behind the whole operation was the Swarmlord. Being one of the top HQs to pick from out of the Tyranid codex, he only ever shows up with Tyranids really need to pull out a win.

What do you think about this army? What color scheme did you paint your Tyranids? Do you prefer to swarm the board with little models or go for the big bugs?

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