Top Chaos Faith & Fury 40k Combos To Watch Out For

emperors children black templars box rumorsDon’t miss all these top Chaos Space Marines legion 40k rules combos for watch out for in the third book of Psychic Awakening, Faith & Fury!

Going into some of the new Chaos Leigon rules out of Psychic Awakening: Faith & Fury, they just got a few tricks up their sleeves that are on the complete MAXIMUM EFFICIENCY level of the spectrum. Check out a few of these “gotchas” coming to the Traitors in power armor.

psychic awakening chaos space marines

Emperor’s Children


Emperor’s Children are coming in with some awesome tricks up their sleeves and might end up being one of the more powerful Legions we see on the table. So what are a few things every Emperor’s Children player should remember?

incessant disdain

Incessant Disdain is an awesome move you HAVE to remember. Especially if you’re going to be bringing a few melee beat sticks in your list. For 1CP, you can give a character +3″ of heroic intervention range. That will allow Mr. relic daemon lightning claw lord jump in and get around 10 attacks. This is especially good because you have flexibility with it being a Stratagem, You still get your Warlord Traits and Relics, but still, always have a 6″ intervention in your back pocket if you need it.

Honor the Prince is another incredible Stratagem to remember if you’re going to be making a lot of charges. You can spend 1CP and change the value of one die you rolled to a 6. That means that the minimum a unit is charging now will be 7″. There are some shenanigans to unpack in this stratagem, but it will be incredible with things like deepstriking Terminators.

Excruciating Frequencies combined with timeless classics like Veterans of the Long War and Endless Cacophony (+1 to wound and shoot twice Stratagem) will make a fat stack of Noise Marines even more of a threat on the table. They already get three shots a pop and ignore cover. With the full combo of Stratagems talked about above, they’ll be wounding T4 things on a 2+ doing two damage a pop.

There are even more combos but these are some of the highlights. Now, let’s take it to the Iron Warriors.

Iron Warriors

iron warriors small chaos wall hor


iron warriors methodical annihilation

This is just a generalized value town central Stratagem. Havocs with Lascannons might be brought, for example, just to capitalize on maximizing potential 4D6 damage.

unholy vigour

Combined with Daemon Engines in an Iron Warriors list (which there is usually a lot of) 1 CP lets them heal flat three (+1 for the normal wound they heal back a turn). If you bring a Warpsmith, you’ll be able to comfortably bring a vehicle getting picked on out of its degrading bracket.

tank hunters

Finally, with all the Knights, Flyers, and Wave Serpents running around, spending 1CP to reroll your wounds is going to let a fat blob of models maximize on their damage against higher-toughness things. Again, just value.

Iron Warriors also got the Orks Gretchin-shield Strat ported over. To top everything off, Iron Warriors Cultists are the now, best cannon fodder unit in Chaos. If you want to make sure your gunline can set up shop and not be disturbed by heavy incoming fire, you can put a string of Cultists in front. Pop the Cannon Fodder Strat and make it so units behind them can’t be shot at. That’s a total of 30 ablative wounds your opponent now has to chew through.

Word Bearers

Greater Possessed


malevolent covenantWord Bearers have a lot of synergistic buff combos in their pages. But one of the hottest ones might be the 1CP for Malevolent Covenant. This lets you auto-cast a Psychic Power after it fails to cast (and you also take a mortal wound). While Warp Time might be the biggest Psychic Power that people will use in concordance with this Stratagem, it’s also great for Summoning.

The Master of Possession (originally from Shadowspear) allows you to summon Daemons in the psychic phase for a WC 7. If this fails, you can just spend 1CP to have it auto-cast and reach into your toolbox of Daemons for whatever you want. Definitely some play there.

ashen axe

This pic is a bit blurry, but the Word Bearers are also getting a relic chain axe that basically hits like a power axe. But the best part about it is that the enemy (unless it’s a vehicle or Titanic unit) can’t fall back once you make it into combat. You’ll want to make sure you put this relic on someone who can take a beating…but having a unit race ahead with a jump pack and bog down an entire unit(s) on his own to buy time for the rest of your army at the very lest is incredible.

Night Lords

night lords


Night lord stratagems

For Night Lords, Prey on the Weak is 1CP and allows you to literally bully the weaker-minded. If you shoot or swing on something with a lower leadership, you can add 1 to the hit rolls for a unit.

Hit and Run is a slightly different version of the Raven Guard’s False Flight Strat. But allows an entire unit to fall back and charge. Night Lords are going to be slippery.

From the Night is also going to be a major force multiplier for the army. For 1CP, you can add 2″ to a unit charging from cover as well as +1 to the hit roll. If you deep struck a unit of Warp Talons into some cover 9″ away from the enemy…you only need a 7″ charge into the enemy AND you can smack them around on a 2+.

Also, if you really need it, you can spend 1CP for a 3D6 charge with Raptor Strike.

While all of this is good, Terminators might be the star unit for Night Lords. They can Deepstrike in all geared with combi bolters getting four shots a pop. They also will almost always have a higher leadership against most ground/infantry units so you can pop Prey on the Weak to give them +1 to hit.

Next, the classic Veterans of the Long War strat can be played to have them wound most things on 3’s and 2’s. And then finish it all up with a 3D6 charge into another enemy. From there, your opponent has to deal with a bunch of power fists with 2+ saves in their face. Definitely a spearhead unit.

Alpha Legion

alpha legion wal hor


Alpha legion Stratagems

Right away, Alpha Legion is going to be the shenanigan army. One strong point will be Obliterators. They can deepstrike in on a turn and shoot as normal. Then, when it comes time for your opponent to deal with them, just pop 2CP for Conceal and effectively give them the character keyword (except better) by making them completely untargettable unless they’re the closest.

Renascent Infiltration is awesome to keep the enemy guessing on where you’re going to bring a scary unit. After movement, you can scoop up a unit and have them redeploy 9″ away at the end of your next movement phase. You can use this to bait an enemy to one side of the map with a unit they need gone, then just redeploy them on the other side of the map. You might even get lucky and get the drop on a few characters hanging back this way.

Ambush is another great one as it’s basically a better Auspex Scan. It costs the same but you have an 18″ bubble instead of 12″ and there is no negative to hit.

There are definitely more synergies within their pages but it looks like in general, they are focused around a tricky shooting game. All in all, Obliterators might be a top unit for this army as well.

Rob, Wyatt, and Kenny talked about all the Chaos hotness not long ago and if you want the full scoop on what’s coming, be sure to watch the video below!

What are your thoughts on the new Chaos support? Is it secretly better than what Space Marines are getting now? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter (with discount coupon codes) each morning as well!