Bonsai Sylvaneth? New GW Rumor Engine Spotted

gw rumor engineThe latest rumor engine is here once again and it looks like we might have some kind of Sylvaneth tree-people on the way to one of our games.

Warhammer Community revealed another rumor engine bit. While the bit is easy to identify, the bigger picture is the tricky part. Take a look for yourself and tell us what you think might be on the way.

Bonsai Sylvaneth? New GW Rumor Engine Spotted

rumor engine 12-3-19

If you’ve seen a tree before, you can probably agree with us that it’s what we’re looking at. But what this is attached to is the tricky part. Overall, this bit looks pretty small and might be attached to something bigger like a massive Treant.

LOTR treebeard

Just how Treebeard in LOTR had sprouts of little branches and leaves coming off of him, this bit might be a close-up on something like that.

While we already have walking tree people in Age of Sigmar, we could be seeing even more (hopefully larger) Treefolk emerge for the faction.

Taking a step in the opposite direction, this could also be just some minor detailing on the base of some kind of model that has nothing to do with trees. This could be just a small bonsai tree at the foot of some fancy Aelven Warlord. Whatever it may be, GW is keeping it obscure by giving us a clear picture of what’s ahead without revealing any kind of groundbreaking information.

What do you think is ahead for their games? Is it coming to 40k or AoS?

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