Spicy Blood of Baal Teasers: Magnus, Deathwatch & More On The Emperor?

By Wesley Floyd | January 10th, 2020 | Categories: Warhammer, Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

emperor-psychic-awakening-40kMore spicy 40k teasers are here! Magnus, Orks, Deathwatch, and the Emperor (or potentially the Silent King) all seem to figure into the Psychic Awakening.

If you missed it, Psychic Awakening: Faith & Fury had some short lore teasers of current events from different things happening across the galaxy. From a Guardsman becoming psychically awakened and smiting hordes of Xenos to Orks taking over an entire system, things are picking up once again.


However, looking at Psychic Awakening: Blood of Baal, there are even more current events to catch up on.

 Psychic Awakening Blood of Baal Lore Teasers & Highlights

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These two pages are full of vox transmissions and short messages gathered across different means. There’s a little something in each but we will be pulling out the highlights that may turn into bigger events in the future.

It’s also worth noting that these lore pages are stamped with Orde Xenos. While the Faith & Fury lore pages have the Ordo Hereticus.

Ad-Mech Experiment Gone Wrong?

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What sounds like something from the Age of the Men of Iron, The Ad-Mech were working on some kind of experiment with Servitors. However, with the dude saying “No, go the other way!- Their lenses…No, Back!”, it makes it sound like their lenses turned the classic evil red color and turned on their creators. (Maybe Primaris Servitors?)

Magnus the Red: Always Up To No Good?

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This was a short one-sided conversation of someone mentioning a Crimson Mentor “teaching” a certain kind of people. While nothing is set in stone, Magnus the Red might be extending his hand to the Psychically sensitive to replace his army of walking dust robots with more living breathing, thinking warriors.

Deathwatch Deployed to Fight Orks?

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From here, this story mentioned Orks that absorbed as a part of a larger force called Bakrash. To stop the Xenos threat, the forces of the Bhorean Aegis Watch Fortress have been deployed. With Orks on the table and “watch fortress” mentioned, it sounds like Deathwatch may be going to rain on the Orks’ parade.

More Primaris Fall to the Black Rage

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With one of the cooler stories out of the bunch, Blood Angels were, yet again, holding off hordes of Tyranids because they can’t seem to catch a break. One of the Chaplains fell to the Black Rage and an Eliminator Sergeant began to chant the Litanies for his brothers. Until he eventually fell to the Black Rage as well… But it seems like they were searching for a “substance” that Dante knows about when the Tyranids came to get some lunch and were forced to fight.

Plus, with the last snippet in bold, it sounds like something from the inside ripped apart the Blood Angels. The security protocols were still active. 

Ad-Mech Turn on Eachother Out of Madness/Rage?

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On Baal, it seems like while some Ad-Mech were investigating Tyranid remains, something drove them to utter madness and they began to turn on each other. Whether it’s residual rage leftover from the Khorne Daemon that gave the Blood Angels a Get out of Jail Free card or not, we don’t know. But for something to have such an influence on a 99% machine-composed mind, it has to be potent.

Someone in Gold is Back (Emperor or Silent King)?

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The interrogation of an Astropath looks to have led to the small poem in bold at the bottom. The King on his Throne, Gold, Old & Bold sound like he could be the Emperor. Which we knew from the last article, sounds like he COULD be awake, finally. However, it also doesn’t rule on the Necron’s Silent King. He is also old as dirt, and when Dante met the Silent King a long time ago, he saw the Silent King wearing a golden mask to pay ode to Sanguinius. The Silent King also said he knew Sanguinius, which is neat.

With all of this to digest, what do you think these short stories are pointing toward? Will everything come to a head eventually and birth a new massive campaign book series?

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