Ghazghkull Thraka Is Getting A New 40k Model!

Ghazghkull Thraka is backGhazghkull Thraka is back! GW just revealed at LVO 2020 that the venerable warboss and his standard-bearer Makari are coming soon to Warhammer 40k!

The time is now, Games Workshop just previewed more of their 2020 LVO the Las Vegas Open.

lvo preview

Las Vegas Open 2020

We saw a ton of previews already from GW for the 2020 release calendar at the new years open, and have been hearing a ton of rumors about new point elves, Psychic Awakening and more.

Ghazghkull Thraka Is Getting A New 40k Model!

Most likely releasing with the Saga of the Beast Supplement in March, Ghazhkull Thraka and his sidekick the luckiest grot ever, Makari are getting a new model each.

Whoa, right? Let’s run it all down real quick.

You may remember the little guy from Ghaz’s first model in the late 80s:

Makari (left) and Ghaz

New and improved Makari! Woot! And then there is his “sidekick”:





Ghazghkull ThrakaLook for more on him as we move into February as Saga of the Beast is bound to bring all the Xenos fans out of hiding this spring!

Wow, what are you excited about the most?

Las Vegas Open 2020

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