Age of Sigmar Exclusive Characters: Unboxing & Build

new-release-aos-charactersGW is bringing back the once-exclusive Box Set characters for Age of Sigmar as their own release. Check out the previously exclusive minis.

Games Workshop has released a few Box Sets for Age of Sigmar in the recent past bringing some dope characters that we could only find inside. Well, fast forward and now the Box Sets are almost completely bought up and the only luck you’ll have at finding them might be in your LGS.

Thankfully, GW is bringing back the exclusive characters and has them up for pre-order. If you’ve been thinking about grabbing a character or two for your collection, check out all there is to know!

Carrion- Exclusive Characters

carrion empire 1Coming in hot for the Flesheater Courts and Skaven, these two characters were first spotted in the Carrion Empire Box Set.

FEC Abhorrent Archregent $30

abhorrent archregentFor the Archregent, he’s easily one of the most popular-painted models we’ve seen across the web. (People just really seem to love painting this guy).

archregent sprueThis kit is supplied in 9 plastic components, and comes with a 40mm round base.

Screenshot_358Getting a closer look at the new Abhorrant Archregent. This might seem hard to pronounce but, it looks like it should go together just fine. The mini looks great and we’re glad to see that GW didn’t skimp out on the detail of the pillar the dude is standing on.

Skaven Warlock Bombardier $30

warlock bombardier And as for the Bombardier, what’s not to love about warp-charging a rocket and having the small chance of it blowing up in your face? Bombardier sprueThis kit is supplied in 8 plastic components, and comes with a 32mm round base.

Jumping into the Warlock Bombardier a bit closer, Games Workshop has done a great job designing it so that seam lines should not be as visible on your finished product. (They’re mainly hidden in the robe’s folds). In our unboxing video below Rob goes over some of his thoughts on how this mini will go together.

Check out the full breakdown in the video below.

Looncurse- Exclusive Characters

LooncurseNext up, the Loonboss on Cave Squig and the Sylvaneth Arch-Revenant came first inside the Looncure Box Set. The Loonboss is mainly a force multiplier for your other Squigs while the Arch-Revenant has some major utility for his bug backpack which lets him fly!

Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig $35



cave squig sprueThis plastic kit is supplied in 21 components, and comes with a 40mm round base.

Sylvaneth Arch-Revenant $35


arch revenant sprueThis kit is supplied in 18 plastic components and comes with a 40mm round base.

The two characters, first seen in the Looncurse box, go together pretty easily for the most part. For the Loonboss on Squig, you are going to want to keep Vallejo Plastic Putty or some thin cement to hide some of the seams in the Squig flesh.

Make sure you check out our video below for the full instructions walkthrough on these two new minis.

Screenshot_1250Here they are ready for the painting table!

Check out the full breakdown in the video below.

Feast of Bones- Exclusive Characters

feast of bones product image boxBeing the latest Box Set, updating the old Ogor faction and bringing the entirely-new Ossiarch Bonereapers into the fold, this release was hugely popular. You might want to especially stock up on those plastic Tyrants because they’re brutal on the tabletop.

Ogor Tyrant $35

Ogor ogre kingdoms tyrant Age of SigmarOgor Tyrants (at least one) is probably a staple in any Ogor list. These dudes might be standing on a single 40mm base, but they can smash heads in-game. With the options used to only being either finecast or out of the Feast of Bones box for the plastic version, now that players can buy as many as they want, he’ll probably be one of the more popular ones out of the list.

tyrant sprueThis kit is supplied in 14 plastic components and comes with a 50mm round base.

Vokmortian, Master of the Bone Tithe $30

Ossiarch Bonereapers vokmortian


bone-tither sprueThis kit is supplied in 9 plastic components and comes with a 40mm round base.

Feast of BonesLooking at Vokmortian, he’s got a few more mold lines than what might be considered “normal” for GW kits. However, you can get a good look at his scale from the elite Necropolis Stalkers.

Check out the full breakdown of the Box Set in the video below.

As we’ve said before, you’ll want to get them while they’re hot! These characters are popping up for the first time out of their Box Sets where we saw people dumping crazy amounts of money for the character alone!

Which character will you be grabbing in the release wave? How many Tyrants do you run with your Ogors? 

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!