Find GW New Releases Early With Port Scrying!

CRACK THE NEW RELEASE CODEFind out how to search for new releases from top gaming companies, like GW, weeks and months before previews with port scrying!

Over the past few months, hobbyists on forums worldwide have been figuring that if you do a little bit of digging you have the potential to find out some spoilers of what may be coming out later down the road from our favorite companies.

Find GW New Releases Early With Port Scrying!

How do you do it exactly? Well, the gist of it is by looking up public information on import manifests.

import custodesThere are two main sites to do this Import Genius and Panjiva. To find what you want on both of these, simply type the website name and the company you are wondering about.

Import Genius

gw from uk importFor our Import Genius example, this is a picture of trying to look up GW imports from the UK. As you can see there’s almost no information to digest because they fully shrinkwrap the whole pallet from the UK imports. Because of this, we should almost always just check imports from China to the USA

There is also the second site Panjiva.


panjiva importdPanjiva offers a slightly different layout but accomplishes the same task. For the imports from China, we can see way more information and if we try to dig into the text we can get an idea of some potential restocks and maybe even releases! In this picture, we can see what may be a kill team supplement, some books, and Craftworld Codex restocking.

This stuff is a little finicky, so if you want to be on top of it, it’s worth to check a few times throughout the week if you want to be among the first to know/speculate.

That does it for this one! Be sure to watch the video below for Rob’s full breakdown!