GW Reveals New Tau Commander Shadowsun 40k Rules

shadowsun tauGW just revealed the new Commander Shadowsun 40k rules that will be coming soon in Psychic Awakening: Greater Good. Don’t miss these!

Warhammer Community gave a more in-depth preview of the changes we’d be seeing to Shadowsun’s rules in-game. But before we jump into how she’ll be playing on the table, let’s go over earlier info.

Commander Shadowsun Model for 2020: Spotted at Warhammer Open Day

new years open day games workshop warhammer

Spotted at the Warhammer New Year Open Day, Shadowsun is coming with a more beefed-up suit and drones.

shadowsun commander 2020

Best of all, as befits this iconic hero of the empire, she can now lead any Sept, not just those of her homeworld, so she can take command of any T’au Empire collection***. We think she’ll look right at home at the head of a strike force of Stealth Suits and Ghostkeels.

Hobby heroes Fauxhammer and Garro were at the event and shared some great pictures of the model as well:

The version in the case at New Years Open appears to be sans her hair from this angle.

It also looks from the official GW pics and these display case ones, there may be as many as three head variants as well!

These painted shots add more depth to the model, and from this angle she appears a bit “squat”.



Pictured above is the box packaging, sprues, and concept art as well.

Cosmetic Shift: Future Tau Getting Noses Now?


Longstrike (noseless)

cadre fireblade

Cadre Fireblade (noseless)


shadowsun noseShadowsun’s New Model Close-up

It’s also worth noting that Shadowsun is the first Tau model to get a nose. But if you don’t like the new look of her bare face, you’re getting some helmet options (seen above).

GW Reveals New Tau Commander Shadowsun 40k Rules

shadowsun wal


shadowsun new rules weapon statsShadowsun is most known for being a cheap, mobile Fusion Blaster chassis with decent protection. However, her guns got a bit more versatile with gaining four shots in total using the dispersed profile on her guns. This shot profile is a great alternative for going against something like a five-man squad of Primaris. You essentially double your shot output and keep your insane AP.

shadowsun new rules advanced guardian dronesAnother awesome ability is that she gives off a 6+++ FNP for Tau Empire units within 3″. Sure, that means she’ll have to be right on top of units you want to protect, but being a character, she should be seeded into ranks of other Tau to begin with.

This is going to be amazing for gunline lists running Riptides and Stormsurges as they’ll get a 6+++ FNP tacked onto all their wounds.

shadowsun new rules supreme commanderFinally, she can join any other Sept (including being able to fight with Farsight) without breaking any Battle-forged rules!

With her ability to join any Tau list, having twice the number of shots from before, and giving a 6+++ FNP bubble, she’ll probably be the new Tau “Smash Captain”, aka everyone will run one!

What will really be the final deciding factor for players actually using her in-game relies on her points-cost (currently 110 base).

What do you think about the new rules? Do you prefer the old model to the new? Which head option will you be going with?

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