Necromunda Zone Mortalis Terrain: Values Breakdown & Review

By Rob Baer | February 3rd, 2020 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors

necromunda-zone-mortalis-terrain-reviewNew Necromunda kits or more of the same? Today we take a look at the Values breakdown and review the Zone Mortalis Necromunda terrain from GW.

Today we are going to take a look at the re-release of the Dark Uprising terrain from GW and see if this is something that will save you money over the core set so let’s get started.

Editor’s Note: This post was edited to include comments left about our initial review.

Zone Mortalis: Hive Warzone $185 (SOLD OUT AT GW)

Get Yours For Less From Miniature Market! or Dicehead Games

necromunda zone mortalis Zone Mortalis Hive Warzone

This kit contains all you need to build your own little dark corner of the underhive. This set contains:
– 1 heavy paper 580mmx580mm play mat
– 2 Stairs
– 16 Platforms
– 2 Wide Platforms
– 4 Ladders
– 1 Lift
– 12 Columns
– 2 Wide Wall
– 8 Walls
– 2 Wide Doors
– 2 Doors
– 6 Pipes
– 2 Control Points
– 2 Broken Pipe Sections
– 4 Curved Pipe Sections
– 2 Short End Pipes
– 1 Gang Relic
– 1 Priority Marker
– 1 Beast’s Lair
– 5 Loot Casket/Crate
– 9 Barricades
– 4 Booby Traps

Necromunda Zone Mortalis Hive Warzone

In Sprue form its:

-2x Stair sprue
-2x Platform sprue
-6x corner sprue
-2x small wall sprue
-2x long wall sprue
-1x door sprue
-2x plasma pipe sprues

This kit appears to be all the terrain that comes in Dark Uprising. Which is a great deal if you don’t play Necromunda but want to add this terrain to your games of Warhammer 40k.

Zone Mortalis: Columns & Walls $80

Get Yours For Less From Miniature Market! or Dicehead Games

Necromunda Zone Mortalis Platforms and Stairs

Add to your Zone Mortalis terrain with additional columns and walls. This multipart plastic set contains:
– 6 Columns
– 1 Wide Wall
– 4 Walls
– 2 Wide Doors
– 2 Doors

Necromunda Zone Mortalis Columns and Walls

In Sprue Form:

-3x corner sprues
-1x small wall sprue
-1x long wall sprue
-1x door sprue

One of the best things about this line of the terrain is the fact that you can build it up instead of out. This kit might be a good pick up for anyone wanting to take their starter set games up a level.

Zone Mortalis: Platforms & Stairs $80

Get Yours For Less From Miniature Market! or Dicehead Games

necromunda columns and walls zone mortalis

Add to your Zone Mortalis terrain with additional platforms and stairs. This set contains:
– 2 Stairs
– 16 Platforms
– 2 Wide Platforms
– 12 Railings
– 4 Ladders
– 1 Lift

Necromunda Zone Mortalis Platforms and Stairs

In Sprue Form

-2x stair/lift sprues
-2x platform sprues

Who doesn’t need more stairs? This kit will give you more options to scale the terrain you have and might come in handy if you decide to pick up more levels in the future.

Here is a break down of the values in the Dark Rising Box Set

  • Zone Mortalis: Hive Warzone $185  (Note: the Warzone is essentially two of the column wall sets, and one of the stairs: MSRP $240)

  • Palatine Subjugator Patrol (1/2 box of enforcers) $63

  • Corpse Grinder Cult Gang (plus an extra 1/2  box) : $63

Total Cost $311

MSRP Necromunda Dark Uprising $290

If you look at just terrain and minis you are losing a little buying the core set but if you just wanted this set for the terrain. Other than that, the warbands, rules cards and other game components make up for the difference.

Here is what we thought about the original Necromunda: Dark Uprising when it first released.

Necromunda: Dark Uprising: $290

Get Yours For Less From Miniature Market or Dicehead Games!

Necromunda: Dark Uprising

26 plastic miniatures, each supplied with a Citadel 32mm Round Base:
– 15 Corpse Grinder Cultists – Khorne-worshiping cannibals
– 5 Palanite Enforcers – the law on Necromunda
– 6 Palanite Subjugators – heavily armed officers bringing swift justice
– A vast array of modular scenery
– Double-sided play surface
– All of the dice, tokens, cards and templates needed to play
– An Enforcer Patrol transfer sheet

In Sprue Form:

-2x Stair sprue
-2x Platform sprue
-6x corner sprue
-2x small wall sprue
-2x long wall sprue
-1x door sprue
-1x plasma pipe sprues
-1x Necromunda objectives/barricade sprue
-2x Subjugator sprues (not identical)
-1x Enforcer sprue
-3x Corpse grinder sprues

At first glance this box set is huge. Dark Uprising is probably the largest box set that GW has ever produced. This box sports 17 hefty sprues worth of quality Games Workshop terrain and miniatures along with something we haven’t see from GW in the past a vinal-ish playmat.

Necromunda: Dark UprisingAs far as the new miniatures that come in the box here ou see the two forces side by side. The instructions are pretty straight forward and both of these new minis have some conversion potential with not only head swaps but arms as well.

Necromunda: Dark Uprising

Here is a top-down view of the new terrain on the new Zone Mortalis: Floor Tile Set. This terrain is not only full of detail but is one of the most modular terrain kits that Games Workshop has created to date. You can either build this terrain out or up with stacking the colors and wall and adding some of the included stairs. It covers 2×2 square feet.

Via Pansergratng in our comments:

So tl;dr; unless you need the gangs or know you can pawn them off, the Hive warzone is a better deal, and if you want to build vertically, you’ll probably want a couple of the stairs/platforms on the side as well. For a lot of vertical building, you’ll probably also want to just get the floor tiles and convert them.

Which is 100% on point!  For more on the terrain, assembly gotchas, and more check out our video below! Patreon supporters of Spikey Bits get models like this each month shipped to them.