We Can Start To Believe in Games Workshop Again

Space Marine walpaperIs good guy GW back?  After the recent Space Marine FAQ update to Marines (specifically Iron Hands) can we start to believe in Games Workshop again?

GW took us by surprise when they updated all Space Marines. Fixing Stratagems and the way Doctrines work for all Astartes across the board, it wasn’t too heavy-handed and wasn’t too limp-wristed either. The outlook on 40k is looking great once again as we can begin to see what games shake out to be with the new rules.

gw tm new

On that note, the way that GW came about all of these rules updates is definitely worth noting. They’ve just recently shown that they are actually receptive to the community and even worked with Adepticon organizers. Which, by the way, thank goodness this update came out early enough that people still have plenty of time to adjust to the changes.

We Can Start To Believe in GW Again After Space Marine FAQ

space marine fix designers commentaryWe highly suggest you read through the designer’s commentary. The GW team has been upfront and clear that they have been attentive to the tournament results from recent events. Space Marines were always in the top 3 with Iron Hands mostly leading the charge. However, it seems like all of the latest updates reigned them back within reasonable levels. Keeping the focus on fun and not just winning and abusing dice rolls, they’ve made a great (and effective) attempt at making the 40k meta healthy once again.

But that’s not all. Adepticon is just around the corner and after the LVO results, with literal copy/paste Iron Hands lists plaguing the army roster, it was safe to say that we were about to see the exact same results at this year’s Adepticon. However, joining along in the designer’s commentary, the Adepticon tournament organizer, Jason Lippert’s commentary was seen published alongside the FAQ- meaning that they know ahead of time as to what changes will be taking place.

Space Marine FAQ

GW Crushes Space Marines With FAQ NERF Bat!

So not only has GW been receptive to the opinions of the 40k player base, but they have also been working with tournament organizers! This is fantastic news as they have proven to us that they are wanting to have a positive presence in the community.

And with Adepticon 2020 commencing at the end of March, people still have plenty of time to adjust their lists accordingly. (In other words, there are no surprise day-of changes that people scramble to react to, which has happened in the past).

Overall, we owe a round of applause to GW for shocking the community with a welcome update as well as thinking about tournaments ahead!

What are your opinions on the Space Marine FAQ? Are all Space Marines back on the same playing field once again? 

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