Creature Caster Announces New Bundles & Exclusive Models

Creature CasterDon’t miss out on new exclusive models and bundle deals from the amazing sculptors at Creature Caster that are coming next week in lieu of Adepticon!

We all missed out on Adepticon this year but that doesn’t mean we have to miss out great deals. Here are the latest reveals from the team at Creature Caster.

Creature Caster Adepticon Sale (Bundles & Exclusive Models):

With the cancellation of Adepticon there have been many shattered dreams, much gnashing of teeth, and lamentations of gamers everywhere. Things both wonderful and horrific are rising from the ashes.

Creature Caster is planning an online Adepticon (Adeptican’t) weekend. This will be occurring from Thursday the 26th of March – Monday the 30th of March. This will be for our US/CAD/World stores only, but we will be following it up in April with an event for our UK/EU stores.

Creature Caster BundleWe will be bringing our Adepticon model bundle online, with model (or model sets) over $40 receiving a 5%,10%, and 15% discount for 2, 3, 4+ models respectively. We will also be giving away Adepticon themed wound counters with orders over $100 for as long as supplies last.


The Death Elemental and the Atriarchs of Ruin set will be available for the first time, and will become part of our regular catalogue. In addition, there are 2 Adepticon exclusive models, available in limited numbers, that will only be available for purchase during this event (we expect them to sell out fast).

This is big news from some of the most talented sculptors in the hobby. Makes sure you visit Creature Caster and secure these great deals and exclusives for yourself soon!