GW Closed Until May: Retail & Mail Order UPDATE

primaris book cover hor space marine walGW may be closed right now due to COVID-19, but they just updated hobbyists on when new releases may be coming back to stores again!

If you’ve been hobbying hard since the pandemic broke out, that’s awesome. But as a friendly word of warning from Warhammer Community, they’ve given us a “rough estimate” of when they’ll be able to start releasing physical products around once again. Take a look at the latest.

GW Closed Until May: Retail & Mail Order UPDATE

gw nottingham hqHey folks – it’s been a wild couple of weeks and we wanted to give you a bit of an update on what’s going on here at Games Workshop, specifically on the subject of new releases. Well, as you know, Games Workshop is carefully following guidance from governments both here in the UK and throughout the world to keep all its staff safe and healthy, closing all its sites until an initial date of the 14th of April. This includes the factory and distribution centres in the UK, USA and Australia, etc. 

techpriestEven once things re-open, our legions of tech-priests will need a bit of time to chant the litanies of reactivation to get the machines back up and running. So, there will be no new physical* releases launched until at least the 2nd of May. As you would expect, these dates may be delayed further in due course.

Unfortunately, while the new previews from Adepticon will be dropping Saturday, we shouldn’t be expecting any new releases until the beginning of May. But to keep safety as a top priority, it may be even longer as Countries evaluate the pandemic on a global scale. We’ll just have to patient and maybe run through our collections a time or two making sure we paint every last bit of detail.

There’s a silver lining in all this…We may be stuck inside, but once we come back, we should all have some incredible armies to showcase.

It’s Happening Tomorrow! GW Online Previews: LATEST

What do you think will release first once we return back to normal lifestyles? Are you going to be tuning into the online Adepticon preview?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!

About the Author: Wesley Floyd

Wesley Floyd

Wesley Floyd headshotJob Title: Staff Writer

Joined: 2018


About Wesley Floyd: Wes has been in the Warhammer hobby since 2015 and joined the Spikey Bits writing team in 2018. He is known for his satirist takes on trending topics and imaginative yet amazingly affordable hobby solutions to painting Warhammer miniatures.

Imperial fanboy, tabletop fanatic, and the self-proclaimed King of Sprues. He knows for a fact that Mephiston red is the best-tasting paint and is the commission painting equivalent of a Wendy’s 4 for $4.  If you like what he writes and want to contact him or have your tabletop minatures painted (to a mostly okayish standard), message him on Instagram.