Hidden in Plain Sight? New Lumineth Realm-Lords!

realm-lords-wal-horWe’ve been seeing previews for the Lumineth Realm-Lords from GW, but here’s another new model that was hidden in plain sight!

Coming from some recent previews spanning a few weeks back to now, there are a few bits and models we’re still waiting to see GW’s official word on.

Check out what’s still hiding around the corner for the faction that we’re sure we’ll be seeing in the days ahead.

Hidden in Plain Sight: Mysterious Aelf in Robes & More: Lumineth Latest

In case you missed it, you should check out this preview from Warhammer TV on the Aelves. GW focused all the attention on the new battle cattle. However, there was a model standing in the army that slipped under the radar initially.

lumineth realm lords hidden in plain sightYou can see standing in the frontline of archers and spearmen, there’s some kind of Aelf with a headdress standing in a black dress. Now let’s enhance that a bit.



lumineth realm lords hidden in plain sight 2The pic is definitely blurry but not so much that we can’t make out distinct details. We can see that she looks to be barefoot standing on a rock. She’s also got some kind of veil blowing across her face and in her left hand, we can see that she’s holding some kind of bowl with smoking rising off the top of it. But guess what? This isn’t the first time we’ve seen her.

lumineth realmlords new model 1


lumineth realmlords new model 2These pics made it to the official Lumineth previews for a while now. However, these were just bits of the model and we really didn’t even know if they were related to each other initially. However, now we know that the Aelves might be getting some kind of Oracle model. It definitely has some vibes from the 300 movie Oracle.

300 oracleAfter seeing this unit un-cropped, what role do you think she’ll fill on the tabletop? Do you think she’ll have some kind of prayer mechanic? Or will she be a Wizard? 

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