This is a Good Way To Deliver Ragnar Blackmane Into Battle

space wolves ragnar walRagnar is the next boogeyman to hit the Primaris line and his stats are pretty spicy. Check out how we could be seeing him used soon.

Before we start this tactics post, we should preface that we aren’t “meta experts” or “professional players”. However, with years of playing Space Marines, we can see some really nice synergies you might want to try with your Space Wolves when Primaris Ragnar makes it to the stores.

Let’s go over a nasty harasser contingent we might see.

Ragnar’s Stats



ragnar blackmane primaris rulesWe’ve already reviewed Ragnar’s new Primaris datasheet in detail so make sure you take a look at that if you haven’t already. But as far as highlights go, it’s important to note that he gives off a 6″ reroll charge aura and gets 10 attacks on the charge with a 2-damage sword (i.e Primaris bane).

Ragnar’s Harassers Tactic

Ragnar BlackmaneNow as we get into this tactic, we should note that this isn’t going to be a game-winning “checkmate” move. However, it should force your opponent to deal with a major threat that you really didn’t pay too many points for. You’ll want to combo this strat with some other high-value targets so your opponent has some problems dealing with it all.

space marine stratagem boltstormFor the first order of business, go ahead and load Ragnar and a squad of five Intercessors into an Impulsor. Since you’re going to be getting in close, you’ll probably want to give your Intercessors the Assault 3 bolters.

They don’t have any base AP but also can be used to auto-hit for 2CP with Boltstorm (assuming they get in in Saga of the Beast like BA & DA: see WHC quote below). What’s especially brutal is that you can use it in overwatch.

“The sons of Russ will also be able to make use of a whopping 24 additional Stratagems! Some of these Stratagems, such as Duty Eternal (making your Dreadnoughts super-tough) and Veteran Intercessors (for +1 Attack), will already be familiar to many, but there are some powerful new additions that are unique to the Space Wolves.”

This is a Good Way To Deliver Ragnar Blackmane Into Battle

primaris impulsorThe Impulsor will be crammed full, but you’ll be able to move this thing and then deploy the guys inside afterward. But that’s a free 14″ move before you need to pile your dudes out. Most of the time, that’ll be enough to at least get you within range to grab an objective or set up a decent firing line for enemy screens. Especially if you have some Infiltrators already sitting mid-board. Oh and guess what, they come with the new Prophecy of the Wolf Box set. 

By the time you pile Ragnar out he could possibly be within a comfortable charge range. Especially if your opponent took the first turn and move their units up. But on that note, once you move your 14″, you can pile Ragnar and the dudes out, then charge and taste victory with his sweet reroll charge aura. Remember, he gets 10 attacks base with a 2-damage sword on the charge which…That’s enough to cripple even a ten-man Intercessor squad by himself.

space wolves stratagem touch of the wildBut if you REALLY need something dead, you can pop a CP and make every hit of a 4+ proc an additional hit. Math says you’ll be getting about 14-15 hits with a single model. Keep in mind this can all be done on turn one. 

Spice it Up With Wulfen

WulfenDepending on your deployment, you may even be able to keep some Wulfen fairly close. But having a hammer of crazed wolfy bois right behind the pressure Ragnar creates can really force your opponent to turn their guns on what’s right in front of them. This is all going to buy you time to move your other units onto objectives and even focus-fire the scary stuff out of your enemy’s list.

Again, this combo isn’t going to wipe the enemy off the board, but for about 400 (ish) points, you can have a ton of aggression added to your list for turn one shenanigans. You can even use that Impulsor to stay on an objective or charge into the screen and tie them up for a turn longer. On paper, it seems like it’s just value.

Will you be trying out this combo once Ragnar gets his Primaris model officially released? Have you had any luck with Impulsors before?

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