No Adepticon? No Problem! Top 40k Showcases From 2016

knight lancer conversionLooking back at the 2016 edition of Adepticon, we’re blowing the dust off of some of the best Armies we saw at the event. Check out these showcases.

2020’s Adepticon has been canceled, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t look back at previous events and pull out some top armies! Take a deeper look at some of the best-looking armies we saw from 2016

Top 10 Adepticon 2016 Army Showcases

Adepticon 2020Keep in mind that photo-taking has drastically improved over the years. Give some of these showcases some slack when you check them out.

10. Thirst For Blood & Daemons: BA/GK Army Showcase

Blood Angels and grey knightsA band of key Blood Angels character joined forces with Grey Knights to bring glory to the Emperor back in 2016. Check out these dope paint jobs.

9. Firepower Soup! The Imperium’s Blade Army Showcase

firepower soup!Imperial Guard, Black Templars, and Grey Knights linked arms and brought all their firepower onto the tabletops. Check this out!

8. By Drop Pod & Gunship: Space Wolves Army Showcase

feature Space Wolves Drop PodsBlood Angels usually get the credit for fast aerial assaults. But these Space Wolves are giving them a run for their money!

7. Khorne Cares Not What Year It Is: 40k Daemon Showcase

khorne daemon walKhorne cares not about bullets! Check out this all-melee Khorne list that charged onto the tabletops at 2016’s Adepticon.

6. Staring Death in the Face: Craftworld Army Showcase

IMG_0430-1You’re living on borrowed time if you come across this army on the frontlines. It’s like you’re staring death in the face. Take a closer look at this force.

5. The Menagerie of Fenris: Space Wolves Army Showcase

space wolves walThe Space Wolves broke out all the nasty beasties they could find on Fenris for 2016’s Adepticon. From Wulfen to Space Bears and more, they brought the beatdown.

4. Mantis Warriors Dropping In!

mantis warriorsLooking back at a Chapter we’ve not seen anything about in 8th edition, the Mantis Warriors scattered the field at 2016’s Adepticon.

3. When Nurgle & Tzeench Agree On Things: DG/TSons Showcase

When Nurgle and Tzeentch AgreeChaos gods don’t always agree with each other. But when they do, they can join forces to make a truly scary army. Check out this dope collection.

2. You Messed With the Wrong Grimdark Spartans…

knight lancer conversionThe Minotaurs took to the field at 2016’s Adepticon bringing in the big guns…Or should we say big spear! Check out this awesome army.

1. All Fenris Can Muster: Space Wolves Army Showcase

IMG_0060-1When you get a big picture of this army, you’ll see that it looks like all Fenris could possibly muster. Check out this incredible list from a few years ago!

Whew! Now that these 2016 showcases are brought back to life we can start looking to them for inspiration on our next project!

What army will you be starting next? How do you base your minis? With premade resin bases or from scratch? Do you have your Space Wolves painted another color from the standard grey-blue? 

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!