40 Hobby Companies Still Open For Business & Sales

Open-for-BusinessDon’t miss this list of hobby companies who are still open for business and may even be having a sale. Spread the hobby love during this crisis.

Before we jump into all the stores that are still shipping, it’s important to understand that we’re not asking anybody to do anything that’ll bring them out of their financial comfort zone. Times are hard, but if you’ve got a few shmeckles to toss at some new hobby goodies, these stores are still operating and would love your business!

40 Hobby Companies That Still Open For Business & Sales

hobby table bench

To get the full details of any sales/promo please refer to the retailer’s website link. Information here was correct at the time of publication but may become incomplete or out of date.

Mythicos Store

mythicos walMythicos has all kinds of Wargames and other hobby supplies you might need during this social distancing phase. On top of that, they’re also offering discounts store-wide so you can get your goods for less.

Heresy Lab

heresy lab walHeresy Lab is still rocking with all kinds of alternate models now cheaper all the way through April. Just use code APRIL20. Seriously, check these guys out. They have some dope models you won’t find anywhere else.

Knight Models

knight models walKnight Models has great look characaters from universes like DC and Harry Potter. Right now, they’re still shipping free to the US for orders over $99 plus a Free promotion giving you a mat carrier when you purchase three mats.

Anvil Eight Games

anvil 8 promo


anvil 8 gamesAnvil 8 has all kinds of sweet games to dip your toe into while you pass the time during social distancing. They’re also running a 30% OFF sale on everything in the webstore! Check out games like Aetherium, Frontline, and more.


battlefront walFan of historical gaming? Battlefront has got you covered. From Flames of War, ‘NAM, Great War, and more games to choose from, they’ve got minis and games on just about every modern war, and they are still open!

Toledo Game Room

toledo gameroomToledo Game Room has everything from model kits to Magic Cards, RPGs, and Board Games. They’re still shipping so check out their inventory and bring the game store to your home!

The Phalanx Consortium

the phalanx consortium 1These guys have games like Gaslands, Blood and Valor, and terrain kits galore. Check out everything they’ve got to boost your hobby collection.


turbo dork logoIf you need to stock up on paint for all the hobbying you’re doing, Turbo Dork has a sweet selection of paints ranging from traditional acrylics all the way to some metallic-shifting paints.

Iron Wolf Minis

iron wolf minisIron Wolf Minis has some sweet alternate bits for armor and weapons on your Knights. They’re actually running a 10% off discount through April 16th as well.

Den of Imagination 

Den of ImaginationDen of Imagination is an unreal paint commission service. With outstanding free-hand capabilities on things like capes and shield crests, you definitely want to check these guys out. Plus, if you mention that you came from Spikey Bits, you’ll be getting a 5% service discount!

Collins Epic Wargames

collins epic wargamesCollins Epic Wargames has games like Spearpoint, Eastern Front, and Polyversal. Speaking of Polyversal, they’ve got their own website dedicated to the game.

polyversalCheck out Polyversal

Victoria Miniatures

victoria minis covid 1


victoria minis covid 2Victoria Miniatures has all the Guardsmen alternatives/footsoldiers that are perfect or every modern-futuristic tabletop game. Check out what they’ve got. Especially if you play Guard.

Wargame Exclusive

chaos smash lord wargame exclusiveWargame Exclusive is still running business-as-usual providing some incredible resin sculpts for characters and more.

Gamemat EU

gamemat covidGamemat eu has your fix on tabletop playing mats and terrain. They’re also doing unrestricted worldwide shipping.

Miniature Market

miniature market covidMiniature Market is still operational and even running a 10% off discount on all Wizkids unpainted minis. If you’re new to the hobby, grab a couple of these and start practicing your techniques!

Micro Art Studio

micro art studio covidMicro Art Studio has all kinds of tabletop supplements you should check out. But they’re also running a 20% off all scenery discount from April 14th through April 19th. However, overseas shipping is delayed due to the crisis, but sooner or later all orders will be shipped.

The Wargaming Company

the wargaming company walThe Wargaming Company, makers of ESR Napoleonics, also offering terrain such as the Grassland Gamemat and NOCH scenics, remains open and is shipping orders daily!

The Army Painter

The Army Painter’s US distribution hub was closed to do government request due to the Coronavirus, but it appears that you can still find their products from third party retailers like Miniature Market, Amazon, etc…

If you want to grab products in the EU, you can still grab them here.

For US/NA customers, you’ve got Amazon to rely on.

Creature Caster

slaanesh greater daemon creature caster queen of ecstasyCreature Caster is still going strong and continuing to drop previews on new models ahead. They’re continuing to bring us some incredible centerpiece models you have to see!

Artel “W” Miniatures

artel covidArtel “W” Miniatures is giving a 15% discount to their entire line. On top of that, thye’re offering a 25% discount for orders of $300+. If you’ve got your Artel red seal from previous purchases, you can also get an additional 7% off discount. This deal is going to be lasting as long as we’re all stuck at home!

Julio’s Woodshop

julios woodshopJulio’s Woodshop makes all kinds of gaming tables. If you’ve got space in your home but don’t have the materials, check out what they’ve got and have a ready gaming table shipped to you. They’re also offering a 10% discount through May 31st, 2020 with code: Games2020


Armorcast AC Logo

Armorcast is still operating and announcing a new contest to help everybody pass the time. Check out full details here. On top of that, they’re offering a 20% discount on all cinematic effects with code: Contest20

Xenomorphic Press

xenomorphic pressXenomorphic Press offers some sweet artwork on all your favorite sci-fi universes and games. You can spice up your hobby area with a few of these prints.

Xenomorphic Press sells rare prints that you can’t purchase anywhere else. We specialize in authentic and distinct artworks that make a statement. Our most popular items are FOIL prints. Gaming, Anime, Comic, Horror, Sci- fi, and Surrealism are our specialties. And now we have available select Vintage reprints

Shadow’s Edge Minis

shadows edge covidShadow’s Edge Miniatures has an assortment of detailed resin bases and tufts to go along with them all. Get those finishing touches complete with these guys.

Scale 75

scale 75


scale75If you’re in the market for some high-quality paint sets you’ll want to give these guys a try. They’re still shipping orders as usual!

Michigan Toy Soldier

mich toyMichigan Toy Soldier has products for just about every kind of historical wargame and even Games Workshop just to name a few. Their physical store is closed but they are rolling out shipments still.


BattlefoamBattlefoam is still kicking as well with the announcement of some Flashbang sales. These will happen every week while rotating which Foam Tray is a part of the Sale.  These will be discounted to 30% off, and also have an awesome neon green bottom to highlight them even more. Check their website this month for the official announcement of when it starts!


breachstormIn the mood to pick up a new game while you wait this whole COVID thing out? Check out Breachstorm. This game has its own line of miniatures and they’re shipping as usual!


asmodee walAsmodee is still shipping to customers in the US through their online webstore. Check out their whole list of board games if you’re looking for something to crack open with the whole family. They’re also offering free shipping to orders through April 30th.


witchbornWitchBorn is still running and about to drop a new expansion, WitchBorn: Enter Perdition. It’s up for pre-order now and is looking to ship sometime in May.

Miniatures meet roleplaying in a world overrun by WitchBorn returned from the dead. Enter Perdition 2020 includes:
• The massive folding Enter Perdition battlemap
• Rules for Dwarf, Elf, Guild, Norn, Orc, and Paladin war clans
• Campaign rules for your continuing adventures
• Over 200 templates and punchboard figures
• PLUS: turn chits, condition markers, attack dice, 32 figure stands, and 2 combat rulers
• A free web app tells the stories so everyone can play!

Wargames Atlantic

wargames atlantic walWargames Atlantic is still open and shipping all kinds of minis. Check out their line!


modiphius 2Modiphius’ warehouse is closed but they’re offering PDFs online of their books you purchase. Plus, if you add £50 or more PDFs to the check out and use the code: PDFME you’ll get a whopping 40% off. Their main RPG core books are all 50% off for Star Trek Adventures, Mutant Chronicles, Infinity, John Carter of Mars, Vampire the Masquerade and Conan as well.

Foam Brain Games

foam brainFoam Brain Games has got a selection of dice, stickers, and mystery bags. But if you use code Dungeondelver at checkout, you also get a 10% discount on your entire purchase.

Death Ray Designs

death ray designsTerrain, bases, movement trays, and more are still shipping out of Death Ray Designs. Check out their whole selection of dope kits to spice up your hobby.

GCT Studios

gct studiosGCT Studios is still operating as usual and is cranking models out from their Bushido line.


squadmarks walSquad-Marks is keeping the hobby strong with base-fittings, movement trays, and so much more. These guys will help add all the bells and whistles to your hobby collection. Check them out.

Game Envy

game envy covidGet 15% Off Your Order + Receive A Free Brush Beam and Sticker When You Use the Code STAYHOME. These guys have all kinds of hobby gadgets that help keep those hobby muscles strong. Take a look at everything they’ve got to help you keep painting.

Whew! That sure was a lot to get through. After looking at this list, you might’ve realized there are still plenty of way to keep your hobby going. Just remember to only spend within your means and if possible, lend a helping hand to these companies who are weathering this virus with us.

Siege Studios Painting

siege studios covidSiege Studios has some incredible painting services ready to be hired! If you’re wanting to spice up your collection and have some professionals do your models right, you can have these guys join you in your hobby journey. On top of that, you’ll get free basing on all characters with code Spikey. 

Hardcore Miniatures

hardcore minisHardcore Miniatures is still up and running, although slightly delayed. If you don’t mind waiting 2+ weeks for shipping times, you can still get your hands on all kinds of fantastic minis that are great as alternate models for games of 40k and even some tabletop RPGs.

Taro Modelmaker

taro modelmakerTaro Modelmaker offers high-quality conversion bits for some of the most popular tabletop models. If you want to get a centerpiece looking sweet, check these guys out.

Get My Best Coast Pairings Subscription (for $10 off)!

BCPDon’t wait! Save up to $10 a year on a Best Coast Pairings Subscription, and keep up with the Warhammer tournament scene even easier once this virus calms down.

warhammer logo wal hor store

Games Workshop already announced earlier that they wouldn’t be shipping any more products or releasing anything indefinitely.  Here in the states, retailers like Miniature Market and Dicehead Games are still shipping orders with the stock they have on hand.

By now, however, their stock may be starting to look a bit dried up. So if you’re searching for some new kits to hobby on, there are still great second-market stores on Amazon you should look at too that are still reasonably priced at 15% off retail for the most part.

40k Apocalypse Detachment Boxes 

Space Marine apocalypse detachment vlauesThere are quite a few of these Apocalypse detachment boxes on the secondary market from last summer. While these dropped a while ago, they are still a fantastic one-click buy to get started on a new army or to just fill out an entire detachment.

Warhammer Start Collecting Box Sets

40k start collectingStart Collectings box sets are a tried and true classic way of jumping into a faction. They’ve got all kinds of boxes still currently up at the time of writing this and you’ll be able to save a little bit vs. buying all of the kits individually.

Warhammer Battleforce Boxes

blood angels battleforce 2019Battleforces normally release around the holidays. These boxes have a little bit of age to them too, but they still have loads of models to work through while you wait for the social distancing thing to end.

Warhammer Codex Books

new codex supplements Space marine dice sets ultramarines white scarsWith all the new models, you’ll have to get the rules for them too. Codex books are still up for grabs, and for the most part in-stock as well.

A bunch of us (if not all) are probably itching for a game right now. But the silver lining to all this social distancing stuff is that we should all have some dope painted armies once all this passes.

Learn 3D Printing While Working From Home

Passing the time with your favorite hobbies while we’re stuck inside? If you need to restock or just hate missing a good discount, think about supporting these hobby companies that are still open for business.

What have you been hobbying on since you’ve been stuck inside? Have you already ordered from one of these companies?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!