Games Workshop Announces They Are Closed Indefinitely

gw-closed-for-businessGames Workshop just announced they all retail operations globally are closed indefinitely. Don’t miss the latest on their shutdown.

Due to COVID-19, businesses are being affected all around the world. Games Workshop and Forge World are no exception. We saw GW drop potential dates earlier on for when they might open back up. However, it looks like the final decision has been made that they aren’t going to be spitballing dates anymore.

We Know GW Takes Two Weeks to Get Up & Running

NOTE: These dates aren’t accurate anymore. However, what we’re showing you here is that once GW does get their businesses back up and rolling again, there’s going to be a roughly two week period of time that it takes for them to become fully operational once again.

gw nottingham hqHey folks – it’s been a wild couple of weeks and we wanted to give you a bit of an update on what’s going on here at Games Workshop, specifically on the subject of new releases. Well, as you know, Games Workshop is carefully following guidance from governments both here in the UK and throughout the world to keep all its staff safe and healthy, closing all its sites until an initial date of the 14th of April. This includes the factory and distribution centres in the UK, USA and Australia, etc. 

techpriestEven once things re-open, our legions of tech-priests will need a bit of time to chant the litanies of reactivation to get the machines back up and running. So, there will be no new physical* releases launched until at least the 2nd of May. As you would expect, these dates may be delayed further in due course.

Games Workshop Announces They Are Closed Indefinitely

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gw sites closed emailGW sent this email out to everyone canceling the projected April 14th date now saying they don’t know when they’ll be opening again. 

With this word out there, take some time on the projects you’re currently on. Make them last and get those models finished the right way! No use in cutting corners if it could be another month before we can come back out, right?

Update: Ways to still order GW products:

Store ShelfGames Workshop already announced earlier that they wouldn’t be shipping any more products or releasing anything indefinitely. Here in the states, retailers like Miniature Market and Dicehead Games are still shipping orders with the stock they have on hand.

By now, however, stock may be looking a bit dried-up. So if you’re searching for some new kits to hobby on, there are still great second-market stores on Amazon you should look at too that are still reasonably priced at 15% off retail for the most part.

Learn 3D Printing While Working From Home

What have you been hobbying on since the outbreak? Did you stock up before all the social distancing took effect? 

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!

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