GW Opening Some Retail Stores Starting Today

Open-for-BusinessGW just announced they will be opening some of their retail stores in a limited manner, for hobbyists to pick up supplies and models. Don’t miss the latest.

Warhammer Community dropped the official word that was short, sweet, and to the point. Stores might be opening up soon. However, not how we’re used to seeing them. If you’ve seen the distancing criteria enforced in your local grocery store or essential retailers, GW could be following suit shortly.

In case you missed GW’s previous post, they’ve also started accepting orders from retail stores that they’ll ship as soon as their logistical operations open up.

GW Opening Some Retail Stores Starting Today

gw store openingFor all you Warhammer fans running low on plastic glue and Nuln Oil, that means there might soon be a Warhammer or Games Workshop store open near you. In line with local advice and government guidelines, some locations will reopen this week. The success of this pilot, and of course how the COVID-19 situation develops, will determine whether more open back up in the short term.

Keep in mind that this doesn’t mean every GW store will be opening up across the globe at once. We’re sure will see another official word on the stores that do manage to open their doors. However, remember that while stores may be operating in the future, it’ll be at a decreased level with everyone’s safety a first priority.

Expect a Limited Supply & Functionality

abaddon chaos wal hor marineSo, of course, these stores won’t be operating as normal. They will very much only be offering a reduced level of service. You won’t, for example, be able to come in and game or take part in painting lessons. We’re also far from being properly up and running – some items might be out of stock or in limited supply. In addition, there will be extra signage highlighting health and safety measures that you’ll need to follow, and please ensure that you always follow all local guidelines on social distancing and handwashing. 

If you’ve been following along, you’ll know that GW shut down all their warehouses weeks ago. That means that even the official GW stores will be operating on limited supply. On top of that, extended times of stay are out of the question. Think of it as a quick get in, get out, kind of operation for you to stay sane and hobby on while we wait the crisis out.

As of right now, it looks like there’s not an official date of when any store will officially re-open and no stores in the US or UK are currently being opened. However, in the days ahead, you could always call or hop on social media to see which doors open to customers.

Ways to Buy Warhammer Kits While GW is Closed

GW may be closed and not shipping out orders right now, but there are still a few ways to buy the Warhammer kits you need to fuel your hobby! Read More

With the official word out that stores could be opening soon, are you going to start making your shopping list for what you need? How much hobbying have you done since you started social distancing?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!