RUMORS: 40k 9th Edition May Have Just Arrived…

9th Edition 40k rumorsThe long-rumored 9th edition of Warhammer 40k may have just arrived stateside, as something BIG has just been spotted.  Here is what we know right now.

A lot of content creators keep a close eye on what’s entering the US ports for Games Workshop as of late, as it tends to offer clues on what may be released in the coming weeks and months.

Today one of the largest shipments destined for GW’s warehouse here in the states was spotted, and there are some clues as to what it may contain…

RUMORS: 40k 9th Edition May Have Just Arrived…

primaris psyker hor wal guard angry frustratedSo essentially, we’ve got a shipment of “printed books” without any kind of title that just hit the port. Four different Purchase Orders (PO), seem to indicate that there are four separate book titles that comprise two different shipments from Chinese publisher Artron Art Group.

gw port scry mystery books

Now before we jump in head-first, it’s important to know what each abbreviation may mean:

  • PCS = Quantity
  • CTNS= Cartons (cases)
  • PLT = Pallets
  • PO= Purchase Order


The first shipment contains a whopping 38,880 pieces or what appear to be books, just in one purchase order alone.

9th edition 40k rumors Spikey Bits

Breaking down the second receiving entry from April 21st, it contains 11,800 pieces split among 693 cartons of two different titles or POs.

Anyway you look at it, this shipment is absolutely massive with a total of 68,000+ books hitting the US. Normally, we see anywhere between 9,000-14,000 books get imported when a faction gets a new codex or battletome for Warhammer.

contrastTo put it even more into perspective, these two shipments are roughly twice the weight of all new racking GW imported around this time last year to launch their Contrast line of paints. 

So What Could We Be Looking At?

8ball picTo be honest, we really don’t know what we’re looking at. But going on what we’ve seen in the past, this could be part of the rumored 9th edition 40k release. Here why we think that may be a possibility:

Return of the Indexes?

IndexBookCollectionENG01Remember back when 8th edition first dropped? We saw a thicker hardcover rulebook come out as well as a supplement indexices with factions bundled together. If we got everything right above, it would make sense that GW ships more of a new rulebook because everyone will need them. It would also make sense that this would be heavier than normal because we know how GW likes to throw in a bunch of lore on different things as well as include certain missions, etc.

Assuming that the second shipment (and the other half of the first) is something akin to the 8th edition faction indexes, it would also make sense that they would not need to ship as many of a single title. Mainly because so many people play different factions.

But wait, there were 5 index books for 8th, and you just said there are only 4 new titles in this rumor, including a potential new 9th Edition rulebook Rob!


Now look back at the index book image above, while there were 5 Index books for 8th, they covered only 3 major groups of factions: Xenos, Imperials, and Chaos. That could mean that any future index release could consist of only three supplemental books total, as the Codex cycle could then begin itself again…

tin foil cat hatSo what we’ve been hearing about 9th from multiple sources for a while now could explain what just hit the ports. However, at the end of the day this is just all hypothetical as we pretty much don’t know anything for sure at this point.

Well, I guess, except that tons of printed books are on the way to GW’s warehouses literally as you read this…

gw tm new

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With this massive mystery batch of printed books hitting the ports, what do you think we’re looking at? Could this be the materials we’ll need to play 9th edition? What else could it possibly be if it isn’t?

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