Stealing & Some 3D Printing Is Not Okay (seriously)

3d printing fail stealingMore 3D printing drama is here today as we have been targeted by folks that seem to have too much time on their hands lately…

Real talk time. Last year Legio Models was accused of “lifting” design elements from some publically available files on Thingiverse and other places by a small group of what appears to be very toxic maker hobbyists.

Stealing & Some 3D Printing Is Not Okay

Learn 3d PrintingHere’s the video to check out on 3D printing and the stupid comments. 

Now I have been the target of hate apparently because I promoted  Legio’s kits, and according to some YouTube commenters we “demonized” 3d printing, and are now “two-faced” because we now produce content for the same topic. Bear in mind that these comments were on a video showing how easy 3d printing actually is and had nothing at all to do with that company or the accusations against them.

3d printed warhammer 40kIn the past, we have touched on the hot topic of 3D printing, but only from the point of view of it being used irresponsibly.   Spikey Bits has always aimed to be more of a hobby educator, bringing you features on products, tools, and techniques to advance your hobby over time. 3d printing is and will continue to be one of those tools going into this decade.

An Eye For An Eye?

Don’t get it twisted, if someone is “stealing” others works and selling it I am not okay with that at all. However, as you can see the exchange on my latest 3-D printing video, which again, had nothing to do with Legio Models, I tried to get to the bottom of the issue with a very unresponsive poster who then deleted all his comments, and he or his group now appears to have now started personally attacking me.

This sexually explicit 3d model in my likeness has now appeared on Thingiverse:

nurgling_robMaker OrionRS posted the following description with this model that is dripping with so much sarcasm and angst, it may have been written by a pre-teenager.

“To celebrate this milestone, I present to you all for your printing pleasure; Bob Naergling, Herald of Spikey Dicks!

Bob was just a simple chaos spawn. He loved slurping down his favourite treat with great gusto as a token gesture to the powers he was subservient to. When he wasn’t busy defecating all over things he knew nothing about, he thoroughly enjoyed making inaccurate and sweeping statements to rile up the followers of his masters, all for those sweet, sweet affiliate marketing credits and little plastic men he derived great pleasure from inserting into his various folds and crevices.

Bob thought he was a clever boy. After years of lies, brown-nosing and bullshit, Bob had effectively become worse than the Daily Mail.

One day, during a particularly bad outbreak of one of the Plague God’s contagions, Bob decided he wanted to try something new. After digging through his pile of fecal covered papers, he had a moment of clarity; “I should turn my stubby little fingers to manufacturing my own awesome shit at home!” he pondered wistfully to himself. “Perhaps I was wrong to judge something I know precisely zero about?”

With that, he began smearing his filthy extremities over every STC he could find in the hopes that he could find a new vertical to exploit for those sweet, sweet bait clicks. Whilst it is not known to many what happened after that, many assume his attempts lead to yet another failure.

So here’s to you, Bob, you fucking cretin. May your feculent, ignorant grace be praised across the galaxy for millennia to come.

If you enjoy this high quality piece of art, please consider sending tips if you enjoy the model! It helps pay for my crippling cocaine addiction and I guess it’s also motivation to make more shitty projects like this.

Copyright infringement is definitely intended. Parts are created freehand in 3d modeling software, no copyrighted product had been scanned or copied in any way. These models are for personal use as proxies and should never be sold but if you do sell them, I’ll take a 69% commission after material costs. I’ll also give you a high-five for finding someone stupid enough to buy this piece of garbage.”

This work is a work of parody and therefore protected under US Law. If you are offended by this work, put on your big boy pants and sue me.

Isn’t Ironic… Don’t You Think?

Perhaps the most ironic part of this whole episode is the fact that this group of makers is so riled up by supposed “stealing” of “their” design elements, but OrionRS’ own profile seems to be loaded with designs that look to be taken from other works as well:

orionrs1990’s Tyranids Carnifex

Dominus Class Knight Valiant Weapon

orionrs4 poses of Skitarii 

The Ultimate Games Workshop Infringement Pack? Big ooof.


And my personal favorite, the Stormhound Assault Walker.

This was actually a conversion that I myself made and named back in 2012 which was inspired by the Mad Cat Mech and the Stromtalon plastic kit from GW.

stormhound assault walker

So at the end of the day, I think it’s safe to say that 3D printing is here to stay and that there will be a lot growing pains as more and more hobbyists start to get involved.

Learn 3D Printing While Working From Home