Painting That Checkered Pattern For Orks

kenny ork checkersThis week Kenny from Next Level Painting is back to help nail down painting that checkered pattern for Orks with his next level methods.

Kenny usually does full-scale painting tutorials, but in order to paint you also need to practice! This week he’s helping us by adding a new tool to our arsenal. Checkered patterns can be hard, but Kenny will show us how to do it just right on any of our minis.

Give it a few tries and you’ll have this skill ready to use on any of your projects.

Painting That Checkered Pattern For Orks

ghaz primedStarting off, when you’ve got the model nearly finished aside from the checkers, make sure the proposed checkered area is primed grey. Then start blocking out some squares using Pro Acryl Transparent Black. Try to keep it as even as possible with straight lines. Then go ahead and do a second pass.

For the white half, use Pro Acryl Warm Grey, keep it thin and paint in the opposite checkers. Again, do a second pass. Then take some Pro Acryl Bold Titanium White and paint the edges of the white checkers. For the black side, you’ll want to take the black from before and mix in a little bit of the white to make a very dark grey and use this mix to edge the black squares.

checkeredWith your checker pattern looking alright, we can move into the fixing phase. Start by thinning down the black and carefully edging the nuts and bolts for a little shadow effect. Next, take any silver you have and hit just the tops of the nuts and bolts. Finally, take any orange, water it down, and apply it to any place where metals might meet to create a light rust effect.

ork checker doneAnd now the checkers are done, WAAAGH!

If you liked this tutorial, you can also support Kenny on his Patreon page, and stock up on all the great Chaos gear over on his Heretic Swag store.