Orks In a New Configuration: Looted Vendetta Attack Helicopter

looted vendetta orks helicopterWe’ve got a sweet conversion of Rob’s from back in the day. Check out how he made this Orks Vendetta that he used in his old Looted Guard army!

Believe it or not, Rob’s done some serious hobbying on factions you might not have expected from years ago. Looking back at one of his more impressive conversions, we’ve got this looted Vendetta. Take a look at how he made this bad boy.

Orks In a New Configuration: Looted Vendetta Attack Helicopter

rob vendetta 1You’d never see an Ork flying high in the sky with unmodified Imperial tech. The Big Meks of the Clan have to make it more betta’ before it’s ready to be used as part of a good Krumpin’.

To make it, Rob started out with the normal kit and supplemented it a bit. He even used the pieces leftover from this for some Valkyrie jet conversions specifically. The wings are actually the rear tail stabilizer cut in half, with magnets for the weapon mounts. Once that was done Rob noticed the body was a little unstable sitting on the ground so he added an extra landing skid from the removed wings.

The rear vertical stabilizers were removed for the prop to have clearance to spin. You might be thinking there’s no way this thing would fly using normal physics. But Orks don’t care… It all flies the same for them.

rob vendetta 2The propeller itself is from a fake GI Joe toy from Wal-Mart. The propellers actually fold up into a smaller “x” for storage as well. You’d never even know that this wasn’t a 40k bit! This just goes to show that you can really get creative if you’re doing some all-out converting.


rob vendetta 3The overall details were just a good splash of plastic card triangles and glyphs all over to make it proper Orky. He also used a leather punch to make rivets in the plates so they blended in with the overall theme.

Remember to Magnetize Your Weapons!

rob vendetta 4

Rob has preached weapon magnetizing for years to future-proof your models. Even in a conversion back from 2009, he kept his weapon loadouts open.

rob vendetta 5Last but certainly not least, we’ve got the Gretchin pilots. Here, he just used some spare heads from the Stompa and Grot boxes to give them that Top Gun look.

A good conversion will last a lifetime and this Orkish Looted Vendetta is definitely one of those!

Have you converted a Vendetta for your Orks? Did you get any inspiration from looking at this old conversion from 2009? Have you looked in stores like Wal-mart and Target to find extra conversion bits? 

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