More Indomitus Paint Jobs: Dark Angels, Fists, Templars & More!

dark angels primaris rumors ritual of the damned wal horThe new units inside the Indomitus Box Set have had multiple paint jobs slapped on for Dark Angels, Raven Guard, Fists, Space Wolves, and even Salamanders!

Coming from Warhammer Community supplemented by some commentary of the GW team on Warhammer TV’s Twitch Stream, we’ve got new looks at some alternately-painted Bladeguard Veterans and Necron Warriors. You might’ve already seen a handful of these before. However, the GW team on Twitch has revealed more of the models in different Chapter colors!

More Indomitus Paint Jobs: Dark Angels, Fists, Templars & More!

Bladeguard Veterans white


Bladeguard Veteran sprueFirst up, we’ve got the Bladeguard Veterans we’ve seen once before. We’ve got the sprue layout for the model as well as some of the better-known Chapters across the Imperium.

bladeguard veteran blood angelWe’ve got the Blood Angels rocking their classic red with a crisp white shield. These dudes are going to be the moneymakers in Blood Angels lists. Assuming they get an extra attack from Intercessors (because they’re Veterans), then a normal one of these dudes could get six attacks on the charge when conditions are right (Savage Echoes, Unleash Rage).


bladeguard veteran dark angelDark Angels paint jobs look sweet as well! They’re probably going to be a vanguard unit for Hellblasters trying to unload all their plasma.


bladeguard veteran iron handFinally, there are Iron Hands. These guys will be exceptionally tanky with the invuln their storm shield offers as well as the 6+++ FNP. Now let’s get into the new Bladeguard Veterans and the Chapter colors they’re wearing that were just previewed!

bladeguard veteran black templarBlack templars are getting these guys and with a re-rollable charge as part of their Chapter Tactic, the Bladeguard Vets are going to be a hot choice.

bladeguard veteran imperial fistThe fists have been painted up in some white and black secondary colors. These dudes will be a perfect bodyguard unit to those Thunderfire Cannons and Centurions that you all love so much.

bladeguard veteran raven guardWe’ve seen just how mobile Raven Guard can be. With the Master of Ambush Warlord Trait, you’ll be able to get these guys hid inside a building 9″ away and ready to pounce.

bladeguard veteran salamanderSalamander Bladeguards have the coolest of all the power swords. Being master blacksmiths, these dudes will also be deadly in melee with the rerolls that come with their Chapter Tactic.

bladeguard veteran space wolfThe Space Wolves Bladeguard Vets will be smacking on a 2+ in close combat with their swords. Also, for the Space Wolf that made it to the preview, check out how pure that bolt pistol holster is!

bladeguard veteran white scarFinally, for the White Scars, they’ll really shine in the Assault Doctrine getting one extra damage on their weapon. We’ve seen that these are master-crafted power swords so it’s looking like they’ll be smacking for three damage by turn three!

With a handful of other Chapters getting Bladeguard Veterans painted in their colors, they are looking to be a great fit for any power-armored faction.

How will you be painting up your Bladeguard Vets? Will you be running more than one squad? Are you hoping for some kind of deepstriking Stratagem to get them in close quickly?


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About the Author: Wesley Floyd

Wesley Floyd

Wesley Floyd headshotJob Title: Staff Writer

Joined: 2018


About Wesley Floyd: Wes has been in the Warhammer hobby since 2015 and joined the Spikey Bits writing team in 2018. He is known for his satirist takes on trending topics and imaginative yet amazingly affordable hobby solutions to painting Warhammer miniatures.

Imperial fanboy, tabletop fanatic, and the self-proclaimed King of Sprues. He knows for a fact that Mephiston red is the best-tasting paint and is the commission painting equivalent of a Wendy’s 4 for $4.  If you like what he writes and want to contact him or have your tabletop minatures painted (to a mostly okayish standard), message him on Instagram.