Squidmar: Kolinsky Miniature Paintbrush Kickstarter

Squidmar KSThe one and only Squidmar is bringing hobby back with his new Kolinsky Miniature Paintbrush Kickstarter! Don’t miss this one!

Squidmar is not just breaking the internet with sick painting tutorials, he is also breaking Kickstarter! Come and see his first crowd-funded project!

Squidmar: Kolinsky Miniature Paintbrush:

Squidmar KSIn Squidmar Miniatures paintbrushes, the insight of accomplished painters, impeccable production quality, luxurious aesthetics, and the finest Kolinsky Sable are all brought together to create an experience that combines style, comfort, and practicality in equal measure.

Squidmar KSOur brushes feature a wide-body (AKA the “belly”) while maintaining a sharp point. This allows a Squidmar Miniatures brush to hold more paint in its bristles without losing its point, and lends it the stability and elasticity needed to make the brush feel properly responsive to your movements. Additionally, this design allows you to use a larger brush than you might have normally to accomplish even finer details! The Tobolski Kolinsky hair is compared to Synthetics well rounded and great at keeping its original shape. Giving you a longer working time during paint jobs and lasts you longer keeping the tip pristine even after working on big projects for longer times.

Squidmar KSOur basic brush set contains four Squidmar Miniatures brushes, ranging from XS to L. We chose these four because we feel they represent the most common, and best suited, brush sizes for miniature painting. In addition to our basic set, however, we’ve also designed a tiny brush, for the finest of details, and an XL brush for heavy-duty paint jobs! Armed with a full set of Squidmar Miniatures brushes, you’ll be ready to take on any painting project! No wargaming army is too massive, no immaculately detailed display miniature too exquisite!

Squidmar has done his homework! he has tested many brushes tho find what makes in his opinion the best hobby brush and now he is packaging his favorites in the Kickstarter. Not only that, but he has added some amazing busts to hobby on. So you can get the hang of these high-quality hobby tools.

Squidmar KSNot only are we Kickstarting world-class paintbrushes, we’re also introducing a line of exquisite miniature busts, custom sculpted for our campaign! Each bust is incredibly detailed, imaginatively designed, and bursting with character – sculpted by such renowned artists as Joaqin Palacios and Leonardo Escobar Quintero!

Squidmar KSThere are 5 of these resin cast miniatures in total at 1/10 scale, ranging from 6.5 centimeters to as large as 10 centimeters. The retail cost of these never-before-seen miniatures will range from 45€ to 55€, but all will be exclusively available for 40€ each through this Kickstarter, or even cheaper when purchased in a bundle!

This is a great way to support this hobby maniac and score some amazing tools and busts.

Make sure you visit Squidmars Kickstarter and see the full line of busts and pledge levels today!

Squidmar: Kolinsky Miniature Paintbrush: