Space Marines 9th Edition 40k Point Changes SPOTTED

40k ninth edition 9thThe updated points changes for Space Marines have been spotted for 9th Edition Warhammer 40k! Check out how much these units have changed now!

The updated points were spotted on imgur and have been making rounds across the web. While there’s not been any further reveals on Necrons, we’ve got a step deeper into the Space Marine faction. Check out which of their units have gone up or down in 9th Edition.

salt pileNote: The points sheet we’re going off of should still be considered a rumor since we haven’t seen an official preview confirming it yet. With that said, all of the points calculations have been based off this sheet which could also change in the days ahead.

Space Marine 9th Edition 40k Point Changes SPOTTED

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space marine updated points 1To add a little authenticity to this rumored Space Marine points sheet, take a look at the watermark. It says “Mournival” which is a known GW playtesting group. Points may be a bit hard to see but luckily, some hobby hero out there also compiled the updates into a sheet showing the percentage of change from the old points and the new.

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space marine updated points 2The unit costs (without wargear) have pretty much gone up across the board. The Techmarine is dropping by 5 pts and the Land Speeder Storm is going down another 15. With that said, some of the more heavy-handed changes has to be some of the Primaris staples out there. Aggressors are doubling in cost from 21 to 40. Invictor Warsuits are going from 90 base to 135.  Hellblasters are also going from 18 base to 33.

space marine updated weapons points 1While base points might be going up, it looks like largely, the wargear on weapons is taking a drastic downturn. Some weapon options are now completely free for units. The Aggressor’s Bolt Storm Gauntlets are 0pts now. Eliminator’s Bolt Sniper Rifle has also gone down to 0pts (even though Eliminators now cost 28pts per model).

space marine updated weapons points 2

WHEW! Hellblasters got a major discount with their Heavy Plasma Incinerator now costing 0pts. Meanwhile, the widely popular Heavy Bolter (specifically on Vehicles) has gone up another 5 pts now to 15.

space marine updated weapons points 3


space marine updated weapons points 4In this chart, we can see the other Hellblaster wargear costing 0pts. Storm Bolters have also gone up another pt now costing 3pts.

space marine updated weapons points 5You should take the time to dig into the wargear changes for yourself depending on which weapons your models are kitted with. For the most part, base units costs have gone up across the board while wargear has dropped tremendously or is now completely free. This seems to be a step in the direction of AoS where players only pay points for the units and can decide which weapons the models are armed with for no change in cost.

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What do you think about these new points changes for Space Marines? Do you think it will be easier to make a list in 9th Edition? Can you tell how much more expensive your list just got?

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