GW Online Preview: All the Big Reveals & Rumors

gw-preview-40k-may-23GW showed off a truckload of preview minis covering everything from the worlds of Warhammer, so don’t miss all the rumors and reveals in-depth here!

Here are all the latest reveals from  Warhammer TV  and Warhammer Community from the Shadow, Iron, and Broken Realms Preview.

GW Online Preview: All the Big Reveals & Rumors

warhammer online previewWarhammer Preview incoming! This weekend, we’ll be bringing you the Warhammer Preview Online: Shadow, Iron & Broken Realms. The preview will be full of tantalising teases, new models, and cool stuff for a huge variety of games.

gw previewsSix games were included in the preview schedule for this weekend, so chances are there was something for every Warhammer hobbyist.  Be sure to see how these previews match up to what left to release on the GW Roadmap and the remaining Rumor Engine teasers.

shaodw and pain

Shadow & Pain Battlebox Set on the Way for AoS!

It’s bad versus mostly good in Shadow & Pain the new AoS battlebox set that was just revealed for Daughters of Khaine and Hendonites of Slaanesh! Read More

Are you excited about these releases? Are you looking forward for more to come?

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