New GW Preview Reveals Hidden in Plain Sight

malerion walAnother big preview is on the way from GW this Saturday but we may have some hints on one of the big reveals that they hid in plain sight.

Warhammer Community announced a new preview on the way this Saturday with the title of “Shadow, Iron, and Broken Realms”. While it may sound like Adeptus Titanicus’ Shadow and Iron campaign book, that’s already been out for a while. Plus, with “Broken Realms” tagged on at the end, they could be dropping hints to a classic Aelven god.

Previews This Saturday Mention Shadow, Iron & Broken Realms

warhammer online previewDid you think that we’d already previewed everything? Pah! We still have LOADS to show you, and we’ll be revealing some of it on Saturday in our latest Warhammer Preview. Join us from 1:45 pm (BST) on Twitch to see all of the amazing reveals live!

So be sure to mark down on your calendars when this preview begins. We’ll also be covering everything as it drops. But let’s look at the title of this preview…Shadow, Iron, & Broken Realms. With Age of Sigmar obviously being the only universe with Realms, we’ve pretty comfortably narrowed it down to the game. But what could Shadow and Iron possibly be?

New GW Preview Reveals Hidden in Plain Sight

malerion walSome of you may have heard of the name “Malerion” before. In short, he’s one of the Aelven gods and actually had a model wayyyyy back.

malerion modelOooohhhh yeah. He aged well…


Well, Warhammer Community also touched on Malerion earlier this year in an Aelven pantheon article (which may have been a subtle teaser for what’s to come). This is what they had to say on the mysterious Malerion.

Malerion remains a being of profound mystery – as befits the lord of Ulgu, a realm of lies, deception, and hidden half-truths. We know that Malerion was instrumental in capturing Slaanesh, and that he has built some kind of empire in the Realm of Shadow. However, relationships between Malerion and his kin seem strained, with Battletome: Lumineth Realm-lords telling of strange shadow daemons in the employ of this god falling upon emissaries to his realm…

Sounds like Malerion is up to no good and starting to cause trouble in the neighborhood.

What Does Malerion Have to do With Shadow & Iron?

malerion art

What does Malerion have to do with shadow and iron? Well, a lot actually. If you do a quick search on the Age of Sigmar Fandom page, you’ll find a lot about this guy including:

When the Shadow King deigns to show himself to others, he often appears as an Aelf of dread aspect, encased in black iron and coiling tendrils of shadow

thinking memeVery interesting…Now let’s look at the way GW treated another Aelven god in the past…Morathi for DoK.

morathi old modelMorathi had an old model back in the day and was mounted on a winged horse. Well, we saw her new model and now she’s just a chick who transforms into a giant medusa-looking monstrosity.

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While Malerion’s old (and technically current) model shows him mounted, with recent artwork showing himself as a winged black dragon cone-head type thing, we could also see him get two models (one of which he transforms into).

Are Any of These Rumor Engines Pointing to Dark Aelves?

rumor engine 7-30-19If Malerion gets the same treatment as Morathi, he could lose the mount and have one of his models be him as a normal dude on-foot. We think these boots have enough flair to be considered Dark Aelven.

dark aelf model


rumor engine 03-17-2020

Now look at that mounted Dark Aelf’s staff. That model is old and went into MTO and finally disappeared, but there are some shocking resemblances to this rumor engine here.

warhammer underworlds season 4Also, note that a new season of Warhammer Underworlds is on the way for December and that mystery bit from above could also be an Ossiarch Bonereapers Warband. We could honestly make solid cases for both possibilities here.

rumor engine 3-31-2020While we’re on the topic of that, here’s another weapon that’s got a Bonereaper vibe but we could also see it being what the Dark Aelves threw together.

Anyway, there are quite a few pointers leading us down the path of Malerion and his faction making a splash in AoS. Especially now that he;s the only Aelven god left out of the AoS scene entirely.


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What do you think about Malerion possibly getting a new model? Would Dark Aelves be a literal dark, edgy version of the Lumineth Realm-lords?

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About the Author: Wesley Floyd

Wesley Floyd

Wesley Floyd headshotJob Title: Staff Writer

Joined: 2018


About Wesley Floyd: Wes has been in the Warhammer hobby since 2015 and joined the Spikey Bits writing team in 2018. He is known for his satirist takes on trending topics and imaginative yet amazingly affordable hobby solutions to painting Warhammer miniatures.

Imperial fanboy, tabletop fanatic, and the self-proclaimed King of Sprues. He knows for a fact that Mephiston red is the best-tasting paint and is the commission painting equivalent of a Wendy’s 4 for $4.  If you like what he writes and want to contact him or have your tabletop minatures painted (to a mostly okayish standard), message him on Instagram.