RUMORS: Age of Sigmar Sons of Behemat Release Date

By Wesley Floyd | August 14th, 2020 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Games Workshop, Warhammer 40k Rumors

sons of behemat walSons of Behemat are back on the rumor radar, as we have what may be a solid indicator as to when they may be hitting store shelves for Age of Sigmar!

A picture of what looks to be an upcoming Sons of Behemat story by author Graeme Lyon was spotted on Reddit yesterday. While a story about these Gargants stomping in the realms sounds cool, what’s even cooler is the pre-order date that was seen tagging along with it.

RUMORS: Age of Sigmar Sons of Behemat Release Date

As this is a rumor, keep in mind we have not seen a listing for this book, pre-order or otherwise from Black Library, or even Amazon yet.

sons of behemat storyWe’re not exactly sure where this picture originally sprouted up but it looks like there will be a Black Library audio drama on the Gargants for pre-order on October 10th. Historically speaking, pre-orders go out a week before the official release, which sets the story to debut on October 17th if we’re following the patterns here.

gotrek model


ghoulslayer paper re-releaseIt would only make sense to see a Black Library co-release of Sons of Behemat to help hype them up for fans of the tabletop game. We saw this exact thing done in the past with the Gotrek model and Ghoulslayer on Black Library (Both previewed in September 2019).

Now we’re not saying that Sons of Behemat are set to 100% hit the shelves on October 17th of this year. As we have seen in the past, a story featuring the Gargants is a solid reference point to gauge a potential release date for the miniatures.


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With all of this on the table, when do you think we’ll see the Sons of Behemat release? Which model variant is your favorite?

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