Top 5 Horus Heresy Artwork You’ve Got to See

By Wesley Floyd | August 5th, 2020 | Categories: Games Workshop, Horus Heresy

horus emperor wal horThese are our picks for the top pieces of Horus Heresy artwork from all the GW novels and Black Library publications that you can get right now.

We’re about to go over our top 5 favorite Horus Heresy artwork inspired by the era. You can actually grab these prints from Warhammer Art if you want to spice up your hobby caves as with a ton of print options as well!

horus heresy art prints

Horus Heresy Artwork

30k is the story of the rise and fall of the Imperium. The endless conflict created the grimdark of humankind, and there is some dope art to go with it, here are our favs!

Old Earth

30k print old worldArtist – Neil Roberts

Vulkan standing with a band of bros in front of a Daemon incursion looks pretty sweet. Even if you’re not into the 30k scene, any Salamanders fan loves to see papa Vulk getting some attention.

The Burden of Loyalty

the burden of loyalty printArtist – Neil Roberts

Titans walking through a parade at the Imperial Palace. This shows the scale of some of the more popular Titans from the era.

Ferrus Manus: Gorgon of Medusa

iron hand 30k printArtist – Mikhail Savier

Back before Ferrus got his topknot cut off, he looked pretty spooky on the battlefield. Especially with his big ol’ hammer and a couple of his sons backing him up.


wolfsbane printArtist – Neil Roberts

We’ve seen this one a bunch. Horus and the Lion crossing weapons with some colors that catch the eye.

Heralds of the Siege

heralds of the siege printArtist – Neil Roberts

Finally, we’ve got Dorn, Malcador, and some other key players that were in charge of seeing mankind through their darkest days. After turning Terra into an impenetrable fortress, these guys gave humanity a means of existing (unfortunately into the hell pit that is 40k).

After looking at these works of art, did your favorite Heresy piece make the list? Who is your favorite artist? 

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