Best Terrain Setup for 9th Edition 40k: SOLVED

Eternal-Crusade-marine-video-game-dark-angel-(1)After hours of talking to playtesters and setting up games, it looks like the perfect tabletop terrain setup for 9th Edition 40k is here!

Coming from Frontline Gaming on YouTube, they might have just cracked the code on how terrain should be set up in 9th Edition 40k. Let’s go over all the details!

 Best Terrain Setup for 9th Edition 40k: SOLVED

We’ve got the video here for you to watch but you might want to grab a snack and drink because it’s over an hour long. The talk on terrain starts around 37 minutes by the way.

9th edition ideal terrain setupThis picture comes from a tabletop setup recommended by playtesters that were instrumental in developing the 2020 mission pack for 9th Edition. You can see that there are four main buildings (one in each quadrant of the map) with some small backfield coverage. Lastly, one of the biggest changes made, is that the center of the table is much more open.

If you played ITC heavily in 8th Edition, you’re probably familiar with a huge LOS-blocking chunk of terrain right in the middle of the board. However, it looks to have been broken up more here to allow for funneling of ground units.

9th edition obscuring

So what does this terrain setup do for the player? Well, it offers areas for you to hide in your deployment (with buildings over 5″ tall are obscured), as well as grab a little bit of LOS-blocking cover as you move to the bigger pieces in each quadrant. However, as you move into the middle of the board, the player has options of where to start directing their units. It opens up and becomes a bit riskier as you’ll probably be taking most enemy fire from there.

Be sure to check out all of the fine details that were talked about within Frontline Gaming’s video. But the key point to make here is that we could be seeing a “standardized” table set up for 9th Edition in future tournaments.

Exciting news!

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What do you think about the terrain configuration for this board? How have you been setting up your tables?

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