Imperial Fists To Take Full Advantage of Heavy Intercessors

heavy intercessor primaris walImperial Fists might be the next big winners in 40k with the Heavy Intercessors datasheet announced. Take a look at the details.

Heavy Intercessors are about to be a thing, and Imperial Fists are looking like one of the best Chapters to take advantage of them. Check out how these new models will perform in light of the Imperial Fist faction abilities.

A bunch of Imperial Fist players might be a little sore in 9th Edition with the announcement that the Vigilus Siegebreaker Cohort formation no longer being legal in Matched Play. But things are looking up now because you’ve got some new stuff to be excited about.

Imperial Fists To Take Full Advantage of Heavy Intercessors

heavy intercessors


heavy intercessor datasheetHeavy Intercessors have a variety of new weapons on the way. But we will be looking at the two weapons that will probably complement the Imperial Fists the most. The Executioner Bolt Rifle and Executioner Heavy Bolter.

imperial fist chapter tactics


imperial fist legacy of dornSo Imperial Fists ignore cover and have exploding Bolt weapons on a hit of a 6. They also get +1 damage when they shoot at a vehicle or Building.

9 times out of 10, players will be shooting at Vehicles over Buildings. But at the very least, if the Imperial Fist player runs a bunch of these guys, on turn one, he’ll have multiple volleys of 42″ 3 and 4 damage Bolt weapons that can explode. Not too shabby folks. 

While Salamanders have their Eradicators, Imperial Fists may be about to get their slice of the pie as well. It all comes down to points cost on these guys but given the fact that they’re also a Core unit means that they’ll be even more potent with aura buffs.

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Will Imperial Fists Heavy Intercessors be the most potent? How much do you think they’ll cost points-wise?