Ophydian Destroyers & More Necron Models Revealed

new-necron-units-preview4 more new Necron model kits were just revealed by GW, check out the Ophydian Destroyers, Chronomancer, Psychomancer, and all-new plastic Flayed Ones!

It’s time for another big online GW Preview for all things Warhammer! Here are the latest reveals from  Warhammer TV  and Warhammer Community!

GW The Future of Codexes Preview

GW The Future of Codexes Preview

Want to learn more about what you can look forward to in the new Warhammer 40,000 codexes? Set a reminder for this Saturday to catch your first solid look at the new Space Marines and Necrons books, find out what’s coming next, and witness a few more miniatures reveals for good measure! 

All the New Codex Previews

Here’s the latest codex reveals and more for Warhammer 40k! Be sure to see how these previews match up to what left to release on the GW Roadmap and the remaining Rumor Engine teasers.


4 More Necron Models Revealed For 9th Edition 40k

We thought we had seen them all, but we had no idea. Looks like more Necron units are on the way for their new Codex book in October. Here is the latest from Games Workshop!

Necron new models previewed

Ophydian Destroyers

Ophydian DestroyersThese guys look great. An amalgamation of the old wraiths and the new destroyers. A great new addition to the fear-inducing Necron lineup.

Ophydian destroyers datasheetAs far as deepstriking, melee machines go these are beaters. At 5 power level, they won’t be too expensive, and for what you get they will almost certainly be worth it mucking up the enemy lines.


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Ophydian Destroyer

This horrifying breed of burrowing Destroyers comes complete with a multipart Plasmacyte in the kit. Well, we say ‘burrowing’, but rather than tunnelling underground in the traditional sense (Raveners, we’re looking at you), these murderous machines tear their way through the veil of reality from their own pocket dimension to slice and dice their prey!


psychomancerThis Necron character is another walking fear-monger-er. Although this time instead of just looking the part, it also was some fear-related abilities as well.

Psychomancer abilityOne such fear ability, we got to see during the preview. Nightmare Shroud is simple enough if enemies are within 6 inches of this unit they get -1 leadership and -1 to combat attrition. Solid and simple, hopefully, its points/datasheet will justify taking him so we can see more of that spectral goodness.


ChronomancerAnother new character coming is the Chronomancer. A dastardly Necron who likes to manipulate time and space. How quaint…

chronomatron abilityWith the flavor of time-bending, their special ability helps to make it easier for your models to avoid fire. if a unit with within 9 inches you can choose it to re-roll charge rolls and get a 5+ Invulnerable save until your next command phase.

We saw some of these rules when the revised Cryptek datasheets were spotted awhile back.

Flayed Ones

With a revised datasheet for the new edition, the Flayed Ones’ long flayer claws can shred armour with even greater ease, as they now strike with an AP of -1. And as one would expect for a unit whose rather gruesome modus operandi sees them cover their metallic bodies in a macabre second skin made from the flensed flesh of their victims, they’re at their best when killing squishy stuff.

flayed oneThank the gods! That old resin Flayed Ones kit is finally getting updated to plastic! What better time to do it than with a Necron lineup overhaul?

flayed one abilityAs is common with flayed ones who like to destroy all organic life, they get bonuses to non-vehicles. All unmodified 6s to hit against non-vehicles grant an extra hit! When all a model does is slap in melee, this may come up more than you think.

The Flayed Ones and the Silent King may be the start of solid force at least in the lore for the new Necron Codex, we covered why back when the first previews hit back in May.

patreon get 10 miniatures crisp (includes the Primaris Lietantant or Necron Overlord)

Do you like all the new Necron models- including the Ophydian Destroyers, or are you just hoping your factions update gets as much support?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!