You Skipped Leg Day Bro: New GW Rumor Engine

Rumor Engine new GW header wal horThere’s another rumor engine to talk about and this time around we’re looking at a leg that hasn’t been to the gym in months. Check this out.

Warhammer Community revealed another rumor engine right on time. For this week’s mystery bit, we can definitely tell what we’re looking at. The “mystery” in it all is what the rest of the model will look like and what faction it’ll go to.

You Skipped Leg Day Bro: New GW Rumor Engine

rumor engine 9-22-20So here’s the bit. It looks like some kind of Tzeenthy, Tzaangor chicken leg standing on top of some kind of old busted up statue. Now whether this is going to be for Daemons in both 40k and AoS or if it’s going to be some kind of new creature in just AoS is a mystery.

tzaangorAlthough Tzaangors do have some skinny legs in the same way this mystery bit does, the Tzaangor’s foot is different. They’ve got three claw/toes while this mystery bit looks a bit more like a paw.

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25 GW Warhammer Rumor Engines Left After Previews

Overall, even a slightly better look at the statue/ruins the model is standing on would help us determine if it’s something for 40k or AoS but it looks like we’ll have to hold out for future previews to say for certain what this is.

In the meantime, what do you think we’re looking at? Could it be some new creature coming to Age of Sigmar? Is it a Daemon for both platforms?

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