From ATV to Storm Speeder, don’t miss all the new Space Marines unit rules datasheets that are coming in the new codex!
First, it was Indomitus and then came the tanks and speeders. There are a ton of new units for the Space Marines, and we’re going to take a closer look at all their new rules datasheets.
TL;DR If you want to check out the rest of the Codex rules not on this page we got you covered below:
- Warlord Traits & Stratagems
- Relics, Litanies, Psychics, & Secondary Objectives
- Chapter Tactics Rules
- New Unit Datasheets
All The New Space Marines Rules Datasheets
Other than the normal captain stats, he has a master-crafted heavy bolt rifle, master-crafted power sword, and he’s T5 with a bonus wound over the other captain. So he’ll be a bit harder to take down with small arms fire.
Primaris Chaplain on Bike
He is exactly as you would expect, however, he does get a solid 2 more wounds and his bike movement of course. Other than that he’s pretty much the same as his on-foot counterpart.
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Primaris Techmarine
His Forge bolter is essentially an Assault heavy bolter, with 2 damage and can still shoot his pistol or throw a grenade. He also has his standard Omnissian power axe like his firstborn counterparts.
With the signature axe and backpack, there’s no mistaking this character on the field. Not to mention the awesome “Doc Ock” arms that they each come with as well.
Heavy Intercessor Squad
The datasheet doesn’t lie, these heavy troops pack a serious punch. Gravis now coming as a troop choice is nice too, especially at 3 wounds. Now your elite primaris force has an even more “elite” troop option that can bring the heavy support if need be.
They’ve also got the new Core keyword. We’ve already covered what purpose this keyword is going to have soon and it’s pretty monumental.
Veteran Intercessor Squad
Pretty much the same as the normal Intercessors except they have +1 attack, and can swap the bolt rifles out for a heavy bolt pistol and chainsword. Of course, they are also Elite, instead of troops.
Also, note normal firstborn Scout Squads are Elite choices now as well, with only one wound.
Invader ATV Squad
These guys have a chunky statline. With a 14″ Move and 8 Wounds, these little Mario Kart-looking models won’t just roll over for anyone. They are only T5 but a little harasser unit of up to three models per squad can be surprisingly tanky. Looking at the datasheet, these ATVs have the option of taking an onslaught Gatling Cannon or a multi-melta.
Storm Speeders
Pretty standard speeders with good movement, an okay stat line (for a lightly armored vehicle), and great weapons. The Hammerstrike appears to be the heaviest of the three options, and the weapon load-outs support that. Two shots at S8 AP -3 and 3 Damage is a slugfest in the making, no to mention the Melta Destroyer giving it three more shots instead at AP -4 and D6 damage with +2 damage at half range.
Spotted during the Indomitus celebration previews, we’ve seen the Gladiator which looks like the baby of a Repulsor Executioner and Impulsor. This tank is looking light and fast with a bunch of different wargear options for taking on just about any battlefield role.
The datasheet definitely supports our original impressions!
Firestrike Turret
This model moves a massive 3″ (lol) and has a nifty 2+ BS and 2+ Sv. You’ve got the option of taking a 6-shot autocannon or a 4-shot las talon. Once again we have more anti-Primaris firepower OR a gut-wrenching amount of anti-armor firepower. For just 4PL, you can get four las talon shots that hit on a 2+. That’s enough to make a Knight player’s stomach turn.
Hammerfall Bunker
The Bunker comes with a couple of unique rules, we can see that the missile turret on top can reach virtually anywhere on the board with a 72″ range. Plus, the guns on the sides can shoot at every target it’s in range of.
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What do you think about these new Model Datasheets? Are these balanced or busted? Which model has you most excited?
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