Creature Caster Pairs with Judgement For Competitive Gaming

creature caster rumorsCreature Caster pairs with Judgement to give their demons a world to invade and allow for competitive play with the Judgement 2.0 ruleset.

The second version of Judgement is on the way and it only made sense for them to pair with Creature Caster! Creature Caster has some of the coolest demons and minis on the market, now you’ll have a dedicated ruleset for their models as they build to their goal of a competitive game that looks to use both Judgement and Creature Caster miniatures of all sizes.

judgement demonpact creature casterWhile that is amazing enough by itself, we’ve also heard whispers of a new giant dragon coming from Creature Caster. We don’t know much yet, but it looks like we could have a reveal coming very soon. So if you’ve been desperately waiting for some new Creature Caster minis, we don’t have too long to wait!

For now, though, let’s take a closer look at the new collaboration between the two great companies.

Creature Caster Pairs with Judgement

Judgement mini


Creature Caster Mini detail


Creature Caster MiniThis is the first mini, the Undead Minotaur, they made for the new version! While some existing Creature Caster minis will be getting rules, this is the first dedicated mini. Let’s hear a little bit from them about the collaboration:

Creature Caster is excited to see our demons invade the Judgement universe and expand its potential! We have plans for very rich world narratives and compelling character engagements. We are also working alongside Gunmeister Games to bring their characters to life in the Creature Caster way. Boundary-pushing visionaries and imaginative artisans will craft miniatures that will absolutely blow your mind. We can’t wait to start showing you the amazing new character ideas!

Our first collaboration is marked with the release of Cradol the Shadow Hunter, a ferocious zombie minotaur (pictured below). More details will be released in the coming weeks, so stay tuned!

Making Some Changes to the Game

Scale ChangeNot only will they be collaborating on new minis, but they will also be helping the game grow and become all that much better! They are changing the scale so humans will be 32mm scale (obviously there will be plenty of larger minis) and going to a hex-based movement system. Here is what they had to say about it:

In the picture above, you may notice that there are two scale versions of this ferocious half-dead beauty. One of our first plans for Version: 2.0 is to scale it down.

This has a lot of benefits, but to name a few: the models won’t give your wallet as much of a beating, it will be easier to cart your Warbands around, and ironically we’ll be able to include larger models in the game. Dragons, greater demons, and griffon riders just weren’t practical when the standard size of a human was 54mm tall.

Now we can include all of those types of creatures, and more!

Judgement, in its current form, uses free-form measured movement. Our combined team have decided to make the switch to hex-based movement for a few reasons. Namely, this gives us a lot more freedom in designing and incorporating models with differing sizes. Secondly, and perhaps most importantly, our aim is to grow and improve the game. Free-form measurement is often the thing that new players and traditional board game enthusiasts struggle with most when trying out miniatures games. It is also the element which causes the most problems during competitive play. 

The new hex system will remove the ability to fudge movement and ensure that model placement is absolutely consistent throughout the game. This will make an excellent foundation for tournament play, as consistent model placement is integral for a well-functioning tiered system. We’re ready to build a serious competitive gaming scene!

That’s all we know for now, but keep an eye out for the coming reveal! If you need some other Creature Caster minis to hold you over, check some out here!

Have you played Judgement? Are you excited about the changes to the game?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today! You can also support us on Patreon and get ad-free access to the site, plus a ton of minis that helps support some of the best creators out there!