New Forge World 40k Rules: How Much Will They Cost?

forge-world-compendium-40k-rulesAt least 191 new 40k rules datasheets are on the way for all those amazing Forge World model kits, but how much will it cost us?

During their Codex Preview GW announced that the Forge World Imperial Armor Compendium book is on the way and will come loaded with all of the units usable in 9th Edition that are made by Forge World.

Historically speaking, we know that points and functionality of Forge World units in 40k have been super swingy, They’re either really good or really bad. But this book should be putting those things to bed. On that note, now that we know it’s coming, let’s talk about what we could see in the book as well as the potential value.

New Forge World 40k Rules: How Much Will They Cost?

forge world 9th edition compendiumThis compendium is jam-packed full of updated datasheets and new rules designed to bring all of the amazing kits designed by Forge World right up to speed with the new edition. 

So this is the cover of the new book on the way. As you can see, it’s a hardback which means that it’s already looking more expensive than any previous faction Forge World indexes that were $25 each back in 2017.

horus heresy book nine crusadeOf their publications, Horus Heresy Book Nine: Crusade is the most recent (also hardback book) that’s been released from Forge World and it’s going for a whopping $131. Now, while the overall quality of the Horus Heresy book does look to be a bit better (as it also has the metal corner protectors) we could still easily make the case for the Forge World 40k Compendium selling for around $100.

Some Forge World Units Were Heavily Hinted At & Renamed

fw warboss on bikeWe just saw a few Ork characters on Bikes thrown into Warhammer Legends. This ranged from a Big Mek on Bike, to a Painboy on Bike. The Warboss on Bike was also replaced by GW with the Speed Freeks Deffkilla Wartrike, even though the Warboss on Warbike’s stats seemed better (though there was not an official model for this). Although, on Stream, the GW team also made multiple mentions of the Forge World Warboss on Warbike coming back.

warboss on bikeYou might remember that this guy’s name back in the day was Zagsnark Da Rippa. Although he’s been updated (along with a bunch of other Forge World characters) on thier site to have a generic name.

fw bloodthirsterThis guy’s old name was An’ggrath but he’s been renamed as just a generic Bloodthirster, Greater Daemon.

fw keeper of secretsThere’s also the Keeper of Secrets who used to be named Zarakynel.

To take this a step further, we know how GW likes to use Age of Sigmar as a guinea pig for future 40k releases and back in the day, we saw a bunch of named characters from Warhammer Fantasy become alternate unnamed character models in Age of Sigmar.

skaven ikit clawFor example, this guy used to be the Clan Skryre leader, Ikit Claw. But now he’s just an Arch-Warlock in AoS.

It seems like the pattern that appeared in AoS has finally been carried over into 40k with the replacement of named characters to simply be an alternate model of GW’s generic units.

Rounding everything up, it’s probably safe to say that this compendium (and any purchases you make from it) is going to be an investment (just based off of recent Forge World book releases) as well as the fact that old units are coming back as unnamed models.


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What do you think the reason for all of this could be? Are you just happy to see an updated Warboss on Warbike being reintroduced?

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