191 New 40k Rules Datasheets Coming to Forge World!

Forge world new kyzagan speeder new releaseAt least 191 new 40k rules datasheets are on the way soon for all those amazing Forge World model kits hobbyists love!

It’s time for another big online GW Preview for all things Warhammer! Here are the latest reveals from  Warhammer TV  and Warhammer Community!

GW The Future of Codexes Preview

GW The Future of Codexes Preview

Want to learn more about what you can look forward to in the new Warhammer 40,000 codexes? Set a reminder for this Saturday to catch your first solid look at the new Space Marines and Necrons books, find out what’s coming next, and witness a few more miniatures reveals for good measure! 

All the New Codex Previews

Here’s the latest codex reveals and more for Warhammer 40k! Be sure to see how these previews match up to what left to release on the GW Roadmap and the remaining Rumor Engine teasers.


These new rules announced way back in January of 2020, are written by the main GW studio as opposed to the Forge World one.

The Warhammer 40,000 Studio – those industrious people behind rulebooks, codexes and expansions like the Psychic Awakening books – are hard at work on a new series of tomes that will cover the range of Warhammer 40,000 miniatures Forge World produce. These books will include updated datasheets and army rules that give these glorious models abilities and benefits that are comparable to the rest of the forces in the game.

Of course, back then we had no idea there would actually be a 9th Edition update, but hey… new rules!

Tau Supremacy armor



Imperial Armour Compendium

Imperial Armour CompendiumThis compendium is jam-packed full of updated datasheets and new rules designed to bring all of the amazing kits designed by Forge World right up to speed with the new edition. As well as loads of updated units and weapons profiles, you’ll also find a brand-new Regimental Doctrine for the mighty Death Korps of Krieg

From Tau Supremacy Armor and Mantas to Giant Squiggoths… This giant book has 191 datasheets, and specifically calls out Titans and the Death Korps of Krieg.

New Legion Rules for Titans- yes, please!

death korps of kriegThey mentioned on stream that the DKoK will be getting their own doctrine rule, along with the article, which depending on how they access Imperial Guard rules (like strats etc) will prove most interesting.

If you have any Forge World models for 40k this is going to be a pretty important purchase for you.

as well as the return of some old favourites such as the Ork Warboss on Bike – looks like the Meks have finally fixed his ride. Waaagh!

Plus fear not Ork players, the Warboss on bike will ride again as well. From the looks of it this book is Hardcover and massive. It’s worth pointing out that the last hardcover book from Forge World (Horus Heresy book 9 Crusade) was $131.

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Do you have any Forge World Models you like to incorporate in your armies? Are you excited about the Death Korps Update?

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