Broken Realms Battalion Boxes Value: Are They Worth It?

Broken-Realms-Battalion-Boxes-ValueSome of the new battalion warscrolls in Broken Realms Morathi also have bundle boxes, but are they worth it- let’s look at the value!

The first installment in new AoS the series is going to be, Book One: Morathi which will have new rules for The Cities of Sigmar, Stormcast Eternals, Slaves to Darkness, Idoneth Deepkin, and The Daughters of Khaine.

Broken Realms morathi

Along with new rules, each faction is getting a new box as well. These boxes will give you the minis needed to utilize the new Warscroll Battalions so let’s break them down and see what value there may be inside! (Note, we’ll be breaking down the bigger box in a separate post)

Broken Realms Battalion Boxes Value: Are They Worth It?

morathi themed boxed setsTo kickstart your Broken Realms gaming, you’ll also be able to choose from four themed boxed sets that will help you recreate the armies from the narrative in Broken Realms: Morathi – in fact, each contains everything you need to field a warscroll battalion from the book. 

These are the four we’re breaking down today, they all are $90 other than the Stormcast box that comes in at$100. If you want to see more about what their rules will be like, you can check it out here in this article.

Stormcast Eternals: $100

Stormcast Eternals box

  • 10 Judicators $62
  • 3 ETB Castigators $15
  • Lord-Veritant $33
  • 6 Gryph-hounds $29

Total MSRP $139

Total Value $39

Not a bad value overall and most of the included units are actually useful when using this type of Warscroll. Just keep in mind your stores are only getting one of these, so if you want it, grab it quickly!

Idoneth Deepkin $90

Idoneth Deepkin set

  • Akhelian King $48
  • 2x Akhelian Allopex $90

Total MSRP $138

Total Value $48

Looks like they are trying to keep the value right around $50 (or less) for each box. Especially since the Stormcast box is more perhaps they wanted to cap the savings across the board?

Slaves to Darkness $90

Slaves to Darkness set

  • Chaos Chariot $40
  • 2x Gorebeast Chariot $80

Total MSRP $120

Total Value $30

Pretty underwhelming value in this box. But if you really want three chariots, it’s cheaper than buying (or even finding) them one at a time.

Cities of Sigmar $90

Cities of Sigmar box

  • Sorceress on Black Dragon $60
  • 10 Dreadspears $35
  • 10 Darkshards $35

Total MSRP $130

Total Value $40

Fairly in line with the other boxes, but at least it’s a better value than the Slaves to Darkness one!

What do you think about the value inside these battalion sets? Will you be supplementing your army with these?

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