Broken Realms Morathi Contents SPOTTED!

age-of-sigmar-broken-realms morathiThe Broken Realms Morathi: Table of Contents has been revealed, looks like we’ll be getting a ton of rules and a world-changing narrative!

Today on Warhammer Community, they dropped another teaser for the new book by revealing everything that will be in the book. This is just the first book of many coming out to give every faction some new rules and missions.

The first installment in new AoS the series is going to be, Book One: Morathi which will have new rules for The Cities of Sigmar, Stormcast Eternals, Slaves to Darkness, Idoneth Deepkin, and The Daughters of Khaine. So it looks like very faction included will be getting new rules, as well as new campaign rules, and over 60 pages of the groundbreaking narrative.

The bad news is, it looks to be limited one per store…

Broken Realms Morathi: Table of Contents Spotted!

AoS Broken Realms MorathiBroken Realms: Morathi is the first of many new additions to AoS. They seem to be serving a similar role as Psychic Awakening did for 40k, and the possibility of a new edition for Age of Sigmar, (check out the post here) in 2021 seems pretty likely at this point.

But for right now, we know we’ll be getting new rules, tons of background, new missions, and even some new minis from Broken Realms: Morathi! With 5 factions getting rules, this book is going to be massive, coming in at over 120 pages.  Let’s take a look at the new boxsets coming out along with it. 

Shadow & Pain AoS Battlebox Sets

Shadow and Pain BoxsetThis new boxset comes with two brand new character models for the Daughters of Khaine and Hedonites of Slaanesh faction, along with some new cavalry models for the latter.

shadow and pain

As well as loads of lovely models, the box includes rules and lore for everything inside, making it a perfect way to start exploring both the Daughters of Khaine and the Hedonites of Slaanesh. The story of Shadow and Pain is also a prequel to the next big event to hit the Mortal Realms. Gods will rise, the aelves will march, and the realms will break…

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Broken Realms: Morathi Other Factions’ Boxed Sets

morathi themed boxed setsTo kickstart your Broken Realms gaming, you’ll also be able to choose from four themed boxed sets that will help you recreate the armies from the narrative in Broken Realms: Morathi – in fact, each contains everything you need to field a warscroll battalion from the book.

We saw the contents of each earlier this week on Warhammer Community. If you like to see what is coming inside them, we wrote a breakdown post here.

Table of Contents for the Book

Broken Realms Table of ContentsTons of new warscroll Battalions, units, traits, updates, and all-around goodness are going to be in the book. If you’ve been ready for a book to shake things up in AoS, well, it’s almost here! Let’s hear what they have to say about it:

With more than 60 pages of exciting, new, and world-changing narrative featuring five warring factions (the dread legions of Chaos are ever-present!). The opening installment in the Broken Realms certainly kicks things off with a bang.

They also talk a ton about how the narrative and world is going to be forever changed by the book:

At the core of the story is Morathi herself. Who desires nothing less than a dark apotheosis to godhood through an incredibly powerful (not to mention dangerous) ritual that has been long in the making. Many of the key events that take place in the book revolve around the Shadow Queen’s final maneuvers and preparations as she readies herself to perform this dread rite. Yet even as Morathi’s plans appear to reach fruition, other forces begin to move against her, and desperate battles erupt in several pivotal locations across the Mortal Realms, causing fresh legions to hastily muster and enter the widening conflict.

We expect some rules to be dropped soon! For now, though, you can feast on the contents and dream up your new army compositions!

Are you excited for this book to drop? Is your faction included in the first book?

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