Sons of Behemat FAQ & Designer Commentary!

Age-of-sigmar-sons-of-behemat-title-wal-hor-1The Sons of Behemat FAQ is live along with some interesting designer commentary. Let’s check out what’s changing for the big guys!

While these are nothing crazy, it’s always good to keep up with what’s happening with your army! The designer commentary is pretty interesting because there were a ton of questions about what happens with some of the keywords. Turns out, some of them do nothing at all! So if you were making up your own rules for what happens to units in terrain reduced to rubble, you need to read this.

With the book only having a few units, getting clarification is always helpful. If you want to download the full thing, you can here. But we’ll cover everything in them right now!

Sons of Behemat FAQ Errata

Sons of Behemat ErrataNothing crazy here, just some clarifications about ignoring minis and casting spells. Basically how they originally worded the movement was fairly confusing. If you want to impede your friends Mega-Gargants, better build some really tall terrain! If you’ve still been struggling with getting the big guys magnetized, check out Rob’s tutorial on it here!

Designers Notes:

Sons of Behemat Designer CommentaryThere were definitely some good questions out there about how they interact with objectives. Unfortunately, for you Sons of Behemat players, they can’t control two objectives at once. Makes sense, but you’ll have to maneuver better in the future! Also, it’s interesting that certain objectives interact differently when kicked into new territories! Maybe kicking the objectives around can be your new mini-game. Of course, there were people who tried to double shoot, but that’s a no go.

Designer CommentaryThis seems kind of strange unless it’s something they are changing in the new books. But they made a big deal about reducing things to rubble. As it turns out, it does nothing other than changing the name of the terrain. Oh well, no new crazy rules for when things get reduced to basically nothing. Perhaps it should at least hurt the unit inside the terrain?

What do you think about the Mega-Gargant Errata? Have you been playing with any of the Mega-Gargants?

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