A Mace For The Righteous: GW Rumor Engine

advent-calendar-engine-nurgleDay 18 of the GW Advent Calendar rumor engine Warhammer previews for December is here, and it looks like a Mace or Power Maul.

Warhammer Community just unveiled a rumor engine on the eighteenth day of December and this time it might be someone holding a Power Maul.

Check out the details of this new bit that looks to be on the way for 40k or Age of Sigmar!

Rumor Engine Advent Calendar

Everyday GW will drop a new engine, so be sure to check back every-so-often over the month to keep with the massive amount of rumor engines we are about to have!

Robo-Achilles: Advent Calendar Day 1

advent rumor engine day 1This rumor engine doesn’t leave too much to the imagination. With the gear/bearing on the side of the foot, we can come to two conclusions. One, it is almost certainly in the 40k universe. And two, it’s probably Adeptus Mechanicus or some sort of fancy unit for the Imperium. The big question is what unit could we be getting? Is this a brand new unit we haven’t seen yet or possibly a new character?

Winter Break: Advent Calendar Day 2

advent rumor engine day 2The 2nd day features whats looks like someone holding a book and a scroll. It might be a model for 40k or AoS seeing that there isn’t really any factors point at either. However, my money is on some sort of “flavor” model. Every year there are some collector-style models that arent meant to played in-game and instead are just neat models to have on display. However, if this is a real in-game model, it’s probably either Imperium in 40k, or Order in AoS, as the hand seems pretty natural and healthy for a human.

Is that an =I= on the cover? hmm…

A Lizard Friend: Advent Calendar Day 3

advent rumor engine day 3On the third day of the advent calendar, GW gave to me… A reptilian head! Reptiles aren’t too popular in 40k dead or alive, but we have seen a few examples recently like a certain inquisitor with a pet drake. However, it’s probably for AoS, destruction loves strange beasts and reptiles fit into that category. Fingers-crossed, destruction has been needing help in AoS for a while now too, so hopefully, this guy (or the thing holding its head), will help them out!

All In A Statute Days Work: Advent Calendar Day 4

advent rumor engine day 4For the fourth day, we get the most universe neutral engine yet. It’s pretty hard to guess what faction and even what universe this might go to. The head does appear to have no eyes, so this is probably for some sort of symbolic model, maybe an altar or terrain piece. This could go in literally any direction!

Under the Sea: Advent Calendar Day 5 – SOLVED

advent rumor engine day 5

Symbaresh TwinsoulsAs it turns out one of the Advent engines is already solved! If you look at the top left model, it unmistakably has the same trident-like weapon. Perhaps some of the other days will quickly get solved as well?

Murmillo Tank Upgrade For Hover TankIf you have an Impulsor kit already, this makes a great Gladiator Tank!

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Rutt Ro Raggy: Advent Calendar Day 6

advent rumor engine day 6This engine is pretty unique, but that doesn’t make it easier to place. Overall, it could be a faction who like wolves specifically, or can any random character who killed a wolf and made it into a pelt. This is might be a Space Wolves model, although to be fair, it could be a lot of different things.

No One Expects The Inquisition: Advent Calendar Day 7

advent rumor engine day 7This staff might be coincidentally shaped like an =I= for the Inquisition, but I bet it isn’t!  Maybe this is a sign of a little larger scale update for 9th edition? Or hey, maybe it’s in AoS and it is really just a coincidence it looks like an I…

There’s A Boot In My Shoot: Advent Calendar Day 8

advent rumor engine day 8There might be a boot in this shoot, but there are also boots all over Warhammer! Placing this rumor engine is nearly impossible. The only thing we can say for sure is that it probably isn’t for Orks! Their boots tend to be a bit more “used”. There appears to be a skull on the front, but it’s hard to make out for sure. It could both 40k and AoS and also could be almost any faction.

Life In A Bottle: Advent Calendar Day 9

advent engine day 9This is another super clear image, but it also might be impossible to place. This is clearly some sort of potion, probably hanging from someone’s belt or backpack. The real question becomes, is it a foul elixir carried by the death guard in 40k? Or perhaps a healing draught held by a High Elf in AoS? This could be nearly any faction in any universe. 40k, AoS, Specialist games, it’s all on the table with this one.

Captain Hook’s Demise: Advent Calendar Day 10

advent rumor engine day 10Turns out Captain Hook’s Greatest fear may have come true, something took his hand! Or at least someone’s hand. But who’s holding that wood beam and why is a hand nailed to it anyway? In AoS there is only really one faction we see this being, Death. Chaos might like talking heads, but they rarely take and put other body parts on display. For 40k, perhaps Nightlords are making a comeback, but wood is rarely seen on models unless they are terrain features…

Revin Up The Bikes: Advent Calendar Day 11

advent rumor engine day 11For the first time in a few days, we know for sure which universe the bit is from! AoS doesn’t have motorbikes or tires yet, so we can almost know for sure that this is for 40k. As for factions, the wheel is too small for a marine, so it’s more than likely for Genestealers, Imperial Guard, or maybe Orks. Maybe even one of the specialist games like Necromunda?

This Rat Is The Key: Advent Calendar Day 12

advent rumor engine day 12Wow, this is tough. Rats in Warhammer?? Oh right, there is an entire faction of rats in AoS. This is more than likely going to be a little buddy accompanying a Skaven Character or vehicle.

Hey is that a Square Base he’s on?

There might be a plot twist where this rat is on a terrain feature, and GW cropped it to be provocative (and fun) but it sorta looks like a square base to us!

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Inquisitor Engine Reporting For Duty: Advent Calendar Day 13

advent rumor engine day 13This is very clearly something from the Inquisition, perhaps even an Inquisitor! The real question at the end of it all is who/what is holding the holster? Is it a new nameless Inquisitor or an old one getting a revamp? It’s impossible to say for sure!

Venting Frustrations: Advent Calendar Day 14

This engine is not as clear as the last, but it could potentially be the same model! The shoulder/back vents and backpack could easily be Inquisition, Sisters of Battle, or even Adeptus Mechanicus. They do seem to have a coat/cloak under the shoulder armor, so the potential is there to be the same model as yesterday and even earlier rumor engines.

Never Leave Home Without It: Advent Calendar Day 15

advent rumor engine day 15This is pretty hard to place although stylistically it looks pretty similar to the recent Inquisition-styled bits during the advent calendar. Perhaps this is also on one of those models? The scrolls and book look like they may be strapped to a waist, but other than seeing cloth, they aren’t much else to go off on placement or who is carrying it.

A Smashin’ Hammer: Advent Calendar Day 16

advent rumor engine day 16This hammer is definitely for war, and therefore, fits right in! However, with only hand size and weapon type to go off of, it’s hard to nail down where it goes. Seeing that it’s technologically lacking, it’s most likely in AoS, or perhaps a specialist game. Nothing beats smashing with a hammer or punching through armor with the spike.

Gather The Houses, Alert The Guard: Advent Calendar Day 17

advent rumor engine day 17This flag does look cool tattered and with the rivets up the side. The super bare nature of its design pushes the likelihood towards AoS, while the tattered nature might push it towards Death or Chaos. If it was an infantry troop, it probably wouldn’t be flowing so much, so while this is the weakest assumption of the three, it may be a mounted unit. So overall, perhaps a Death/Chaos AoS Mounted unit?

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A Mace For The Righteous: Advent Calendar Day 18

advent rumor engine day 18This is an interesting bit. Initially, you see it and might think AoS, but there is a small capacitor like cube towards the handle. Then you might think Power Maul in 40k, but it’s much too small for it, which leads us to the conclusion. Could be a Sisters of Battle or other Imperial model wielding a Power Maul-like weapon, although, not exactly one.

What do you think these are? Do you like GW taking this Advent Calendar approach to get in the spirit of the holiday season?

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